Open Sound Control library for Chicken Scheme
csc -s ./osc.setup
This is a work in progress, so it's possible the api will change.
; returns socket object that's necessary for other procedure calls
[procedure] (osc-connect port)
; send osc formatted message (message-body) to the specified socket
; message-body can be a list or alist of messages
[procedure] (osc-send socket message-body)
; spawns a thread to listen to messages sent to socket's internal port
; the socket's port is not the port used in (osc-connect port)
[procedure] (osc-listen socket)
; similar to the bare osc-listen procedure, but always calls the
; input procedure
[procedure] (osc-listen-and-call socket procedure)
; registers an osc-address-pattern with a callback procedure
; the procedure can be a reference to a procedure or a quoted
; procedure
[procedure] (register-listener osc-address-pattern procedure)
; closes socket
[procedure] (osc-close socket)
(use osc)
(define client-socket (osc-connect 8000))
(define server-socket (osc-server 8000))
(osc-listen-and-call server-socket (lambda (msg) (print msg))
;; send single message
(osc-send client-socket '("/freq" 440))
;; send list of messages one after another
(osc-send client-socket '(("/freq" 640) ("/freq" 220)))
; output
> (/freq 440)
> (/freq 640)
> (/freq 220)
(use osc)
(define client-socket (osc-connect 8005))
(define server-socket (osc-server 8005))
(osc-listen server-socket)
(define (freq-callback freq) (print "wooo " freq))
; uses quoted version of the procedure, but passing in just
; freq-callback also works
(register-listener "/freq" 'freq-callback)
(osc-send client-socket '("/freq" 440))
; output
wooo (440)