Compiling on Mingw-W64 x86_64-ucrt-posix-seh 11.2.0 causes the program to do undefined things such as crash when creating a const struct and corrupts data that is imported.
I am trying to include image and audio resources via Incbin and then placing them into a struct so I get the file size and the pointer to the data into one varible. This is done as follows
#define RES_INC(name, path) INCBIN(name, path); const struct file_struct s_ ## name = {g ## name ## Data, g ## name ## Size};
Looking at the program in gdb, it crashes when making the struct rater than the INC bin. It crashes at
This happens after the first included file was added successfully. The file_struct struct is as follows
struct file_struct { const unsigned char * data; size_t size; };
if I add a bunch of padding ints after each struct the program runs but other varibles that are in other .cpp files are being altered