Describe the bug
Promtail logs get malformed with multiple backslashes (...\\\\\\\\\\\\\...) whenever debug logging is enabled via the -log.level=debug
command line argument.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Started Loki.
- Helm chart, name: loki, version: 0.25.3
- Started Promtail daemon set with "-log.level=debug".
- Helm chart:, name: promtail, version: 0.19.2
Expected behavior
When debug log level is enabled, the correct debug logs are displayed. This is proven to work whenever the same containers are run directly via a docker-compose file. However, the behaviour is totally different when ran on Kubernetes via a DaemonSet. It seems that a good number of log lines are also being omitted completely when this occurs (sample log file attached).
- Infrastructure: AWS EKS (Kubernetes) using Flux and a gitops repo to automatically sync deployments.
- Deployment tool: Flux via their HelmRelease manifest, which in turn deploys a promtail DaemonSet (sample config attached)