- What Grafana version are you using? 4.0.1
- What datasource are you using? Cloudwatch / InfluxDB
- What OS are you running grafana on? Docker
- What did you do? Configure External Image Storage without AWS Credentials
- What was the expected result? Failover to IAM Role in AWS SDK
- What happened instead? Received error:
lvl=eror msg="Failed to upload alert panel image." logger=alerting.notifier error="Could not find accessKey setting for image.uploader.s3"
Considering that the Cloudwatch Datasource Plugin already supports IAM Roles and that AWS Best Practices put a high amount of pressure upon using IAM Roles instead of AWS Credentials, I suspect this should be pretty easy to fix as the AWS SDK for Go quite easily provides IAM Role support in the Credential provider.
Relevant code portion:
Heck, all the work was already done for this on the cloudwatch datasource plugin..
Unfortunately, I am not (nor am I willing to be) a Golang dev; although I can't provide a PR to go with this, I kindly ask that you guys to put this on the roadmap in order to make IAM management for us DevOps / SecDevOps guys in AWS-land more manageable and to make our Accounts more secure!