You're asked to write a simple online CMS (Content Management System) to manage JSON files.
After it's finished, please provide the following:
- A demo video/gif of the working system
- Your cloned GitHub repository link that has all implementation
- Summary of what you've done, thoughts/ideas on the tools
- Create new content folder (show error when folder name is invalid)
- Upload new content file(s) from local machine (show error when file name is not .JSON, or format is invalid JSON)
- Delete existing content folder(s)/file(s) with confirmation dialog (deleting folder removes all sub-folders and files in it)
- Navigate through content folders and view file list (e.g. go into "folderA" and come back "..")
- Edit content file (highlight errors in JSON format) and save(validate JSON format)/cancel
Service is written in NodeJS under "service" folder.
Please use sqlite3 database and create the following APIs:
- Create new content folder
- Store the upload file(s)
- Delete content folder(s)/file(s)
- Get file list for a given folder path
- Store the content file for editing->save
Some design suggestions:
- Create "upload" folder in file system for all uploaded files, use GUID as file names
- Create "content" table in database with schema { id, filename, is_folder, parent, guid, size, upload_time, modified_time }
- When folder is created, create row { 1, "rootFolderA", true, -1, "", 0, "2020-03-22 13:26:44.000", "2020-03-22 13:26:44.000" }
- When file is uploaded under that folder, create row { 2, "abc.json", false, 1, "6167bdd4-fdcf-45f3-a138-a4e5f33a934a", 1024, "2020-03-22 13:26:44.000", "2020-03-22 13:26:44.000" }
- When folder/file is deleted, update both database and file system
WebApp is written in React under "web" folder.
Please use material-ui ( to create the following pages (consider use routing library):
Content listing
- Use Table component (consider to show pages if too many files/folders)
Content editing
- Use react-monaco-editor component (
- Show Save and Cancel buttons
Please check out the following to help develop & debug
- NodeJS -
- React -
- Material-ui -
- react-monaco-editor -
- VSCode - main source code editor/debugger (open in root folder and install the recommended extensions, press Alt+Shift+F to prettify the code as needed)
- SQLite Expert Personal - to create/view sqlite3 database