GraalVM Carbon is a benchmark that measures GraalVM JavaScript engine’s (Graal.js) performance by running a suite of tests representative of certain use cases in JavaScript applications.
node ./run.js
Don't forget to use appropriate amount of RAM. For example, for 12G free memory and V8 it looks like this:
node --max-old-space-size=12228 ./run.js
and for GraalVM it is:
node --jvm.Xmx12G --jvm.Xms12G ./run.js
Autodetection of VM, OS, maximum RAM etc will be added later.
Originally it was based on Octane 2.0 sources for V8. Please note that Octane is retired and no longer maintained. Also, it was intended for in-browser tests, but Carbon is intended for server-side tests.
For legacy information, check out the Octane homepage, benchmark reference, or FAQ.