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Confex Parameter Store Adapter

This adapter allows Confex to fetch parameters from the AWS Parameter Store.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding confex_parameter_store to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:confex_parameter_store, "~> 1.0"}

Docs can be found at


To run integration tests run the included docker-compose.yml using docker-compose up, this will start a local AWS SSM at localhost:4583 using localstack. Now we can include integration tests by running mix test as:

$ mix test --include external:true


Usage is mostly the same as described in the original Confex Usage docs when parameters are fetched explicitly, we simply use the provided adapter.

There are some differences when parameters are fetched recursively which we will cover in that section of the docs.

Single parameters

To have Confex fetch parameters from the parameter store define the ENV value as the parameter store path we want to fetch prefixed by parameter:


Non prefixed ENV will simply be passed through as the case when using the :system adapter.

Now we can add the values to our config.exs

use Mix.Config
alias Confex.Adapters.ParameterStore

config :my_app, MyApp.MyQueue,
  queue: [
    name: {{:via, ParameterStore}, :string, "OUT_QUEUE_NAME", "MyQueueOut"},
    port: {{:via, ParameterStore}, :integer, "OUT_PORT", 1234},
    routing_key: {{:via, ParameterStore}, "OUT_ROUTING_KEY", ""},

Let's say our parameter store values are:

path value
/queue/out/name "MyQueueName"
/queue/out/port "1234"
/queue/out/routing_key "test"

Then fetch_env will return the following:

iex> Confex.fetch_env(:my_app, MyApp.MyQueue)
{:ok, [
  queue: [
    name: "MyQueueName",
    port: 1234,
    routing_key: "test"

Recursive by path

When dealing with many parameters contained under a path it can be more efficient to request all parameters under the given path instead of each one individually.

All we need to do is change our ENV variable prefix from parameter: to parameters_by_path:


Now we can adjust our config to:

config :my_app, MyApp.MyQueue,
  queue: {{:via, Confex.Adapters.ParameterStore}, "OUT_QUEUE_PARAMS"}

Fetching the config returns a similar result to fetching the values individually before with the exception of :port being returned as a string.

iex> Confex.fetch_env(:my_app, MyApp.MyQueue)
{:ok, [
  queue: [
    name: "MyQueueName",
    port: "1234",
    routing_key: "test"

Note that only the last segment of each returned path are used as keys.

path examples returned key
/queue/id :id
/queue/out/name :name
/queue/out/conf/port :port

The above example if queried by the path /queue/ thus returns the list:

  id: "someid",
  name: "somename",
  port: "1234"

Note that if multiple paths end in same key the returned list will contain duplicate keys, this may not be something you want.

Type casting

Type casting for parameters retrieved by path is a bit different as well. If we want to for example cast the above port to integer we have to use the included Confex.ParameterStore.TypeResolver module.

TypeResolver provides a cast/1 which we give confex instead of a regular type, cast/1 accepts a keyword list of atom names and types to cast them to.

use Mix.Config

alias Confex.ParameterStore.TypeResolver

# cast /queue/out/conf/port to integer
config :my_app, MyApp.MyQueue,
  queue: {
    {:via, Confex.Adapters.ParameterStore},
    {TypeResolver, :cast, [[port: :integer]]},

The types are identical to regular Confex types.

Confex Type Elixir Type Description
:string String.t Default.
:integer Integer.t Parse Integer value in string.
:float Float.t Parse Float value in string.
:boolean true or false Cast "true", "1", "yes" to true; "false", "0", "no" to false.
:atom atom() Cast string to atom.
:module module() Cast string to module name.
:list List.t Cast comma-separated string "1,2,3" to list ["1", "2", "3"].

After this change :port will be returned as integer like before

iex> Confex.fetch_env(:my_app, MyApp.MyQueue)
{:ok, [
  queue: [
    name: "MyQueueName",
    port: 1234,
    routing_key: "test"

IAM policy example

The following policy allows a user to successfully request and decrypt parameters stores under the path /queue/out/staging/*

We can only decrypt SecureString parameters if we have access to the key they were encrypted with.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

This policy can then be attached to any EC2 Instance IAM role, ECS Container Instance IAM role or Lambda Execution role we wish to give access to the parameters.


Consider using some form of caching for values that are retrieved repeatedly since there is a considerable network latency overhead when parameters are retrieved via http.


A AWS Parameter Store adapter for Confex






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