Serverless Turborepo remote caching using API Gateway and S3.
This project is a serverless implementation of the Turborepo custom remote cache server.
It makes use of the preflight Turborepo feature to return signed S3 URLs to the client to upload/download artifacts directly from S3.
Build and Deployment is managed by the Serverless Framework.
Clone this repo
git clone
Install dependencies
yarn install
Copy example environment variables
You can do this for each environment you might wish to deploy to, for example, dev.
cp .env.example
Modify environment variables to your requirements
- Serverless service name, used to prefix all AWS resourcesREGION
- The AWS Region to deploy the service toTEAMS_TABLE_NAME
- Name for the DynamoDB teams table see belowCACHE_BUCKET_NAME
- Name for the artifacts S3 bucketCACHE_EXPIRATION_DAYS
- Number of days cache artifacts are kept in S3 before being deleted
Run Serverless deploy
Include the stage flag, with the environment you wish to deploy.
yarn serverless deploy --stage dev
Populate the Teams DynamoDB table
aws dynamodb put-item \ --table-name `TEAMS_TABLE_NAME` \ --item \ '{"name": {"S": "myteam"}, "tokens": {"L": [{"S": "token_1"}, {"S": "token_2"}]}}'
Add remote cache to your Turborepo config
{ "teamId": "team_myteam", "apiUrl": "" }
[...] "lint": "turn run lint --token'\"token1\"" [...]
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.