This Controller is developed by Kubebuilder v2.2.0
インプレスR&D NextPublishing「実践入門 Kubernetesカスタムコントローラーへの道」の第五章に掲載したサンプルコード用のリポジトリです。
Admission Webhookのサンプルはadmission_webhookに、
Conversion Webhookのサンプルはmulti_conversionに用意しています。
This Controller reconcile foo custom resource.
Foo resource owns deployment object.
We define foo.spec.deploymentName & foo.spec.replicas.
When we apply foo, then deployment owned by foo is created.
If we delete deployment object like 'kubectl delete deployment/<deployment name>',
foo reconcile it and the deployment is created again.
Or if we scale deployment object like 'kubectl scale deployment/<deployment name> --replicas 0',
foo reconcile it and the deployment keeps the foo.spec.replicas.
Before you start this operator, you must prepare the kubernetes cluster using like Minikube, Kind.
Clone source code
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd foo-controller-kubebuilder
Run localy
$ make install
$ make run
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/samplecontroller_v1alpha1_foo.yaml
Run container as Deployment
$ make install
$ make deploy
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/samplecontroller_v1alpha1_foo.yaml
This project is inspired by