Masis is a tiny toolkit in JS, no dependencies
var m = new Masis('#sandbox');
m.sort('[data-foo]', 'DESC').position({
pad: 10
Filter and show the matching children for the selector specified in parameter
var m = new Masis('#sandbox').filter('.consonne');
Create a lazyloading effect on images
var m = new Masis('#sandbox').lazy(200);
Regenerate the children array
var m = new Masis('#sandbox').populate();
Create horizontal and/or vertical scrollbar
Optional params are : width & height, but one is needed
JS :
var m = new Masis('#sandbox').scroll({
gutter: 5, // stroke-width of scrollbar
pad: 5, // step when mouse wheeling
width: '100px', // new width of #sandbox
height: '100px' // new height of #sandbox
CSS (exemple) :
#sandbox div[class^="mscr-track-"] {
background: #EEE; border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0; transition: all .2s;
#sandbox div[class^="mscr-drag-"] {
background: #888; border-radius: 5px;
#sandbox div[class^="mscr-drag-"]:hover {
background: #555;
#sandbox div[class^="mscr-drag-"].moving {
background: #333;
#sandbox:hover div[class^="mscr-track-"], div[class^="mscr-track-"] {
opacity: .7;
Sort children by type order by way. If type is "text" then, the comparaison will be make through the content, can be an attribute
var m = new Masis('#sandbox').sort('src');
Restrict the number of children displayed
var m = new Masis('#sandbox').view(3);