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Go - Kafka

Kafka - Go related links and libraries The main purpose is reading / learning / teaching.



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  • adxhyt/kafka-zookeeper-monitor - yet another kafka monitor by zookeeper
    ( 2015-11-12 / 9 commits / 0 stars )
  • allmad/madq - [WIP] A high performance message queue, inspired by kafka
    ( 2016-07-11 / 78 commits / 3 stars )
  • andreas-schroeder/kafka-health-check - Health Check for Kafka Brokers.
    ( 2016-10-26 / 63 commits / 8 stars )
  • ansrivas/fwatcher - An application to watch a given directory for new files, read it and publish to Kafka ( using actors )
    ( 2017-03-19 / 35 commits / 0 stars )
  • anthonyserious/go-kafka-test - Test building mircoservices with go and kafka
    ( 2017-02-23 / 7 commits / 0 stars )
  • banno/terraform-provider-mesoskafka - Terraform Provider for the Mesos Kafka Scheduler API
    ( 2017-03-20 / 59 commits / 2 stars )
  • brxie/kafka-gtk - GUI application for exchanging messages from Apache Kafka clusters
    ( 2016-12-02 / 18 commits / 0 stars )
  • bsm/sarama-cluster - ---
    ( 2017-03-14 / 166 commits / 57 stars )
  • cafxx/kafkabalancer - Automatically rebalance your kafka topics, partitions, replicas across your cluster
    ( 2016-10-06 / 47 commits / 0 stars )
  • chenziliang/descartes.legacy - Data collecting infrastructure based on Kafka and Splunk
    ( 2015-05-13 / 40 commits / 0 stars )
  • confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go - Confluent's Apache Kafka Golang client
    ( 2017-03-03 / 107 commits / 25 stars )
  • corybuecker/kafka-testing - A Docker-based set of programs to send and receive messages through a Kafka cluster.
    ( 2016-09-10 / 7 commits / 0 stars )
  • ctrlaltdel121/kafkacat-hk - Kafkacat wrapper for Heroku Kafka
    ( 2017-02-11 / 6 commits / 0 stars )
  • datamountaineer/schema-registry - A CLI and Go client for Confluent's Kafka Schema Registry
    ( 2017-01-15 / 34 commits / 2 stars )
  • dnance/lab-reservation - sample kafka consumers and producers
    ( 2016-10-20 / 7 commits / 0 stars )
  • elodina/go-kafka - Quick up and running using Go for Apache Kafka
    ( 2015-04-21 / 64 commits / 6 stars )
  • elodina/go-kafka-avro - go-kafka-avro implements Avro encoding and decoding compatible with Confluent Schema Registry.
    ( 2016-04-22 / 20 commits / 6 stars )
  • elodina/go_kafka_client - Apache Kafka Client Library for Go
    ( 2016-05-13 / 859 commits / 65 stars )
  • elodina/siesta - Making support for Apache Kafka in Go better
    ( 2016-04-25 / 196 commits / 14 stars )
  • esdb/kafka-agent - Persist to local durable storage before sending to kafka, solve the logging problem once for all
    ( 2016-03-10 / 8 commits / 2 stars )
  • fgeller/kt - Kafka command line tool
    ( 2017-03-22 / 176 commits / 15 stars )
  • financial-times/coco-kafka-bridge - Kafka consumer forwarding messages to an HTTP endpoint.
    ( 2017-01-19 / 248 commits / 0 stars )
  • financial-times/kafka-lagcheck - Kafka Consumer Lag Checking
    ( 2016-10-27 / 46 commits / 0 stars )
  • financial-times/kafkaduct - Kafka HTTP to local kafka
    ( 2016-07-12 / 28 commits / 0 stars )
  • financial-times/kmt-kafka-sync - A ยตService to listen for whitelisted events on Kafka and post them to Kinesis for processing via Lambda
    ( 2016-10-20 / 57 commits / 0 stars )
  • financial-times/message-queue-go-producer - Kafka Proxy go producer library - responsible for writing messages to kafka, through the kafka proxy.
    ( 2017-03-20 / 28 commits / 0 stars )
  • foxcomm/metamorphosis - The simple Kafka client in GoLang! Read and transform messages with ease.
    ( 2017-02-27 / 18 commits / 0 stars )
  • funkygao/dbus - yet another databus that transfer/transform pipeline data between plugins
    ( 2017-03-22 / 458 commits / 0 stars )
  • funkygao/gafka - A full ecosystem that is built around kafka powered by golang
    ( 2017-03-20 / 3,721 commits / 8 stars )
  • garo/logs2kafka - Simple tool to listen incoming json based log events on TCP socket and forward them to Kafka
    ( 2016-12-05 / 19 commits / 2 stars )
  • germanramos/kafka-console-consumer - ---
    ( 2016-09-05 / 18 commits / 0 stars )
  • germanramos/kafka-console-producer - ---
    ( 2016-11-30 / 19 commits / 0 stars )
  • gfremex/logrus-kafka-hook - A logrus.Hook which sends a single log entry to multiple kafka topics simultaneously.
    ( 2016-03-29 / 1 commits / 1 stars )
  • gleicon/kafka-shell - golang shell utilities for kafka
    ( 2017-02-02 / 2 commits / 0 stars )
  • go-kafka/connect - CLI tool and Go client library for the Kafka Connect REST API
    ( 2016-08-11 / 49 commits / 0 stars )
  • go-wave/ykafka - ykafka is kafka repro for use low api read kafka and save offset
    ( 2016-12-29 / 4 commits / 2 stars )
  • h12w/kafkaq - A Simple Message & Job Queue Based on Kafka
    ( 2015-08-07 / 4 commits / 0 stars )
  • h12w/kpax - A modular & idiomatic Kafka client in Go
    ( 2016-09-06 / 268 commits / 2 stars )
  • hellofresh/kandalf - RabbitMQ to Kafka bridge
    ( 2017-01-02 / 57 commits / 0 stars )
  • hieutrtr/imaginary-backup-consumer - backup data by consume message from kafka
    ( 2017-03-21 / 26 commits / 0 stars )
  • ian-kent/ktail - Tail a Kafka topic (see
    ( 2015-10-23 / 1 commits / 0 stars )
  • ian-kent/ktee - Tee to a Kafka topic (see
    ( 2015-09-25 / 4 commits / 0 stars )
  • jaehue/anyq - Queue library wrapper for widely popular queues - RabitMQ, Kafka, NSQ, NATS
    ( 2016-10-16 / 77 commits / 5 stars )
  • jamiealquiza/sangrenel - Apache Kafka load testing: "...basically a cloth bag filled with small jagged pieces of scrap iron"
    ( 2016-12-15 / 87 commits / 23 stars )
  • jbanier/passeplat - small go thingy that shift data around, from syslog to kafka is the first step.
    ( 2017-03-21 / 9 commits / 0 stars )
  • jdamick/kafka - Producer and Consumer for Kafka in Go
    ( 2017-01-24 / 76 commits / 31 stars )
  • jeffail/benthos - A persistent stream buffer
    ( 2017-01-03 / 119 commits / 3 stars )
  • jeffallen/kboing - A load generator for Kafka
    ( 2016-06-14 / 4 commits / 0 stars )
  • jhaynie/github-webhook-kafka - Github Webhook -> Kafka server
    ( 2016-10-17 / 10 commits / 0 stars )
  • jianchen2580/log-stream - streaming kafka logs
    ( 2016-12-14 / 5 commits / 0 stars )
  • jurriaan/kafkatools - CLI tools for monitoring and managing Apache Kafka
    ( 2017-02-04 / 39 commits / 1 stars )
  • kasey/camus - what comes after kafka?
    ( 2015-10-08 / 2 commits / 0 stars )
  • kchristidis/kafka-orderer - The prototype of what later became the Kafka-based ordering service for Hyperledger Fabric. (This repo is no longer maintained; kept for historical reasons.) Please see:
    ( 2016-10-09 / 69 commits / 5 stars )
  • kochava/firehose - A Kafka topic transfer agent
    ( 2016-11-22 / 77 commits / 0 stars )
  • krallistic/kafka-operator - [WIP] A Kafka Operator for Kubernetes
    ( 2017-03-24 / 58 commits / 0 stars )
  • l0vest0rm/connpool - connection pool for go/golang to connect with redis/kafka/hbase/mysql and anything else
    ( 2017-03-08 / 8 commits / 1 stars )
  • lancewf/sarama - Example using the sarama with kafka to add and retrieve messages from the stream
    ( 2017-02-16 / 1 commits / 0 stars )
  • landoop/kafka-connectors-tests - Test suite for Kafka Connect connectors based on Landoop's Coyote and docker.
    ( 2017-03-10 / 83 commits / 0 stars )
  • legionus/kafka-replicator - Kafka messages replicator
    ( 2015-11-19 / 12 commits / 0 stars )
  • linkedin/burrow - Kafka Consumer Lag Checking
    ( 2017-03-07 / 160 commits / 209 stars )
  • mailgun/kafka-pixy - gRPC/REST proxy for Kafka
    ( 2017-03-23 / 325 commits / 18 stars )
  • majidgolshadi/kafka-consumer - Self balancing kafka consumer
    ( 2017-01-07 / 18 commits / 0 stars )
  • marekgalovic/kafka-mysql - Kafka to mysql importer
    ( 2017-01-24 / 6 commits / 0 stars )
  • marianogappa/bookie - Indexing for Kafka queues.
    ( 2017-03-24 / 58 commits / 1 stars )
  • marianogappa/flowbro - Real-time flowchart visualisation for Kafka-based distributed systems.
    ( 2017-02-19 / 176 commits / 4 stars )
  • matthias-margush/cdrt-kafka-go - CDRTs in Go, over Kafka
    ( 2017-01-22 / 1 commits / 0 stars )
  • mediamath/kafka-proxy - A golang library for working with the Confluent Kafka Restful proxy
    ( 2016-09-13 / 7 commits / 0 stars )
  • mediamath/sr - Publish schemas to confluent schema-registry
    ( 2017-02-23 / 14 commits / 3 stars )
  • meitu/go-consumergroup - golang kafka consumer group
    ( 2017-01-19 / 12 commits / 3 stars )
  • meteogroup/amqp-to-kafka - Fetches messages from AMQP and forwards them to Kafka
    ( 2017-03-10 / 15 commits / 0 stars )
  • meteogroup/sqs-to-kafka - Fetches messages from SQS and forwards them to Kafka
    ( 2017-03-09 / 51 commits / 0 stars )
  • mhausenblas/dnpipes - Distributed Named Pipes
    ( 2016-12-14 / 18 commits / 9 stars )
  • mkocikowski/hbuf - User friendly implementation of ideas behind Kafka
    ( 2017-03-05 / 11 commits / 0 stars )
  • moemoe89/simple-avro-kafka-golang - Simple Avro Kafka using Golang for Producer and Consumer
    ( 2016-09-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars )
  • moemoe89/simple-kafka-golang - Simple Kafka using Golang for Producer and Consumer
    ( 2016-09-28 / 4 commits / 0 stars )
  • moul/kafka-gateway - ๐ŸŒŠ Kafka Gateway (gRPC/protobuf + http/json)
    ( 2017-01-11 / 24 commits / 2 stars )
  • movio/go-kafka - Assorted Golang Kafka utils
    ( 2016-10-31 / 5 commits / 0 stars )
  • movio/kasper - Kasper is a Go library for Kafka stream processing
    ( 2017-03-16 / 262 commits / 0 stars )
  • msales/kage - Kafka metrics agent.
    ( 2017-03-22 / 34 commits / 3 stars )
  • mudit2108/docker-kafka - Apache Kafka cluster implemented with Docker
    ( 2016-12-07 / 10 commits / 0 stars )
  • myself659/chanbroker - ChanBroker, a Broker for goroutine, is simliar to kafka
    ( 2017-03-08 / 11 commits / 1 stars )
  • nesze/kafka-bridge - Kafka consumer publishing the messages to an HTTP endpoint.
    ( 2015-06-18 / 35 commits / 0 stars )
  • nickbruun/gokafkagroupconsumer - Kafka 0.9+ group consumer for Go based on Shopify's sarama library
    ( 2016-01-26 / 1 commits / 0 stars )
  • ninibe/netlog - A lightweight, HTTP-centric, log-based (Kafka-style) message queue. [WIP]
    ( 2016-09-22 / 53 commits / 11 stars )
  • ombits/kafkaproducer - ---
    ( 2016-12-30 / 2 commits / 0 stars )
  • onsdigital/dp-csv-splitter - A simple large CSV file splitter that creates Kafka messages from them
    ( 2017-03-16 / 107 commits / 0 stars )
  • optiopay/kafka - Go driver for Kafka
    ( 2017-01-27 / 265 commits / 34 stars )
  • orbat/krater - An io.Writer / io.ReaderFrom that produces to Kafka
    ( 2016-03-01 / 24 commits / 1 stars )
  • philipjkim/kafka-brokers-go - Go library to access Kafka broker list in Zookeeper
    ( 2017-01-13 / 3 commits / 0 stars )
  • philipjkim/kafka-sample-go - Kafka pub/sub sample in Go
    ( 2017-02-02 / 2 commits / 0 stars )
  • pmdcosta/apache-kafka - Docker containers for an Apache Kafka cluster
    ( 2016-02-19 / 13 commits / 0 stars )
  • pryz/kafka-training - Kafka training with Docker
    ( 2017-01-24 / 21 commits / 1 stars )
  • rafaeljesus/event-srv - An event aggregation service for microservices โŒ›
    ( 2017-03-19 / 25 commits / 1 stars )
  • rafaeljesus/kafka-event-bus - A tiny wrapper around topic and consumer ๐ŸšŒ
    ( 2017-02-06 / 2 commits / 1 stars )
  • randrr/kafka-example - An example on how to use Kafka with Golang.
    ( 2017-01-25 / 10 commits / 0 stars )
  • redborder/dynamic-sensors-watcher - Service for allowing new sensors IP by watching a serial number netflow option template
    ( 2017-03-16 / 62 commits / 0 stars )
  • redborder/k2http - Forwards messages from kafka to an HTTP endpoint.
    ( 2016-10-10 / 90 commits / 2 stars )
  • roblaszczak/clikafka - Simple CLI tool for Kafka written in GO (Golang)
    ( 2017-02-23 / 4 commits / 0 stars )
  • roblaszczak/gotify - Notifications framework
    ( 2017-02-16 / 5 commits / 0 stars )
  • rollulus/kafcat - Tool for Kafka
    ( 2016-07-26 / 16 commits / 0 stars )
  • runabove/queue-examples - OVH Queue - Kafka client examples
    ( 2017-02-20 / 59 commits / 0 stars )
  • saveav/kafka-go-example - Demo for doing event driven in Go using Kafka as the message brocker
    ( 2017-03-10 / 2 commits / 0 stars )
  • sectioneight/kafkabench - Simple tool for benchmarking kafka performance in Go
    ( 2015-05-15 / 17 commits / 0 stars )
  • shopify/sarama - Sarama is a Go library for Apache Kafka 0.8, 0.9, and 0.10.
    ( 2017-03-12 / 1,511 commits / 340 stars )
  • sourcec0de/lmq - An embed queue, like Kafka.
    ( 2016-10-11 / 223 commits / 0 stars )
  • supereagle/kafka-goclient-perf-test - Performance Test for Kafak clents of Go
    ( 2016-12-09 / 2 commits / 0 stars )
  • supershabam/sarama-cg - A pluggable Kafka 0.9+ consumer group coordinator built on
    ( 2016-11-15 / 25 commits / 0 stars )
  • thbkrkr/zkafkapi - API to manage Kafka topics and consumers
    ( 2016-12-09 / 20 commits / 0 stars )
  • travisjeffery/jocko - Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install)
    ( 2017-03-02 / 198 commits / 72 stars )
  • travisjeffery/kafka-statsd - Send your Kafka offset lags to StatsD.
    ( 2016-12-02 / 12 commits / 2 stars )
  • truppert/pegasus - Pegasus is a library that allows very simple consuming of a kafka topic
    ( 2016-09-02 / 2 commits / 0 stars )
  • trustedanalytics-ng/gateway - Simple websocket bridge with kafka back-end
    ( 2017-02-24 / 18 commits / 0 stars )
  • trustedanalytics/gateway - Simple bridge from WebSocket to Kafka
    ( 2016-03-21 / 11 commits / 0 stars )
  • tsenart/gofka - Dependency free drop-in replacement for Kafka written in Go.
    ( 2015-01-15 / 37 commits / 0 stars )
  • ubergarm/queuefka - A kafka inspired embedded persistent Apend Only Log message queue.
    ( 2016-12-29 / 2 commits / 0 stars )
  • upsight/franz - Convenience wrappers around Shopify's Sarama
    ( 2017-02-28 / 11 commits / 0 stars )
  • uswitch/loglet - Forward journald log messages to Kafka
    ( 2017-01-10 / 16 commits / 0 stars )
  • vamsi-subhash/kafka-lite - Hackday project for implementing some of the the kafka protocol in go (just for fun)
    ( 2017-01-22 / 39 commits / 0 stars )
  • vrischmann/koff - koff is a small tool to get information about Kafka offsets.
    ( 2016-08-29 / 34 commits / 0 stars )
  • wangdrew/kafka-go - Messing around with sarama, the Kafka golang library
    ( 2017-02-24 / 5 commits / 0 stars )
  • wangshichun/kafka_consumer_monitor_go - monitor the pending message count of consumer of kafka: native or storm consumer
    ( 2016-08-24 / 5 commits / 0 stars )
  • wolfester/easykafkaproducer - ---
    ( 2016-02-25 / 4 commits / 0 stars )
  • wvanbergen/kafka - Load-balancing, resuming Kafka consumer for go, backed by Zookeeper.
    ( 2016-09-27 / 210 commits / 83 stars )
  • wvanbergen/kazoo-go - Go library to access Kafka metadata in Zookeeper
    ( 2016-09-30 / 49 commits / 31 stars )
  • xorlev/gregor - Minimalistic Kafka clone in Go
    ( 2015-05-19 / 17 commits / 0 stars )
  • xstevens/k - A general command line client for Apache Kafka.
    ( 2016-10-25 / 36 commits / 2 stars )
  • xtaci/rewind - Text-Based UI for Kafka
    ( 2017-02-10 / 29 commits / 2 stars )
  • xtaci/sp - Stream Processors on Kafka in Golang
    ( 2017-02-05 / 92 commits / 0 stars )
  • ybrs/d.adams - some kind of simple pub/sub server, inspired by kafka
    ( 2016-08-31 / 11 commits / 0 stars )
  • zorkian/marshal - A Kafka consumer coordination library for Go.
    ( 2017-01-12 / 208 commits / 13 stars )

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