CSRPacker wrapper written in Go
This is a Go wrapper for the CSRPacker commandline application.
Please visit the CSRPacker owner for any copyright infringement request.
When you first run the CSRPacker app, it will check if thh three folder exists - "Original", "Decrypted", and "Finished" folder. If not, it will create the folders.
32-bit-x386* - CSRPacker-linux-386
64-bit-x64* - CSRPacker-linux-amd64
*You will need to set executable permission on the binary executable
MacOS X:
64-bit-x64* - CSRPacker-darwin-amd64
64-bit-arm64* - CSRPacker-darwin-arm64 - (not tested - No Apple Arm M processot to test at the moment)
*You will need to set executable permission on the binary executable