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Show Idea Hub context for post based on Idea Hub idea in WordPress block editor / Gutenberg #3272



The WordPress block editor (Gutenberg) should indicate if the current post is a draft based on an Idea Hub idea.

Do not alter or remove anything below. The following sections will be managed by moderators only.

Acceptance criteria

  • When editing a WordPress post that has Idea Hub idea metadata set in the block editor (Gutenberg), a notice like in this Figma file should be displayed on top of the editor.
    • The copy used should actually differ from the Figma design and say: This post was created from an idea you picked in Site Kit's Idea Hub: {idea} The bold "Google Site Kit" prefix from the Figma design should not be included.
    • The notice should be dismissible. When dismissed, that dismissal should be cached temporarily for an hour, it doesn't need to be persistently stored. Editing a particular post doesn't happen all the time, and it's okay to remind the user again if they open the same post in the editor after a while.
    • This functionality should rely on the Gutenberg Notice API.
    • The entire integration should be implemented in a separate JS file that is loaded only in the block editor (from the Idea_Hub class in PHP), if necessary for the current post. Other than typical for Site Kit JS code, the code here should actually rely on WordPress's included versions of @wordpress/* dependencies (e.g. reference instead of @wordpress/data, and include wp-data in the dependencies for the asset in PHP) and not come with any of our own bundled dependencies, to not double-load dependencies and minimize the footprint in the block editor.

Implementation Brief


  • Edit the Asset class:
    • Add the following constants to the class:
      • CONTEXT_ADMIN_GLOBAL = 'admin-global'
      • CONTEXT_ADMIN_POST_EDITOR = 'admin-post-editor'
      • CONTEXT_ADMIN_POSTS = 'admin-posts'
      • CONTEXT_ADMIN_SITEKIT = 'admin-sitekit'
    • Add 'load_contexts' => array( self::CONTEXT_ADMIN_SITEKIT ), to the array of default values for the $args property.
    • Add a new public method has_context( $context ) that returns TRUE if the incoming $context exists in the $this->args['load_contexts'] array.
  • Update the enqueue_assets method of the Module_With_Assets interface to accept $context = Asset::CONTEXT_ADMIN_SITEKIT argument.
  • Edit the enqueue_assets method of the Module_With_Assets_Trait trait to have the same new $context = Asset::CONTEXT_ADMIN_SITEKIT argument and to filter out assets that don't have provided context before enqueueing assets.
  • Add a new hook for the enqueue_block_editor_assets action in the Assets::register method to enqueue registered gutenberg assets. Use Assets::get_assets() method to return registered assets and filter out assets that don't support the CONTEXT_ADMIN_POST_EDITOR context.
  • Edit the Idea_Hub::setup_assets method to define a new Script for the dist/js/googlesitekit-idea-hub-notice.js with the CONTEXT_ADMIN_POST_EDITOR context and wp-data as a dependency.


  • Create assets/js/googlesitekit-idea-hub-notice.js which has the showIdeaHubNotice function and the file which will be enqueued in the block editor only.

  • Update webpack.config.js to add a new entry for the above file similar to analytics-advanced-tracking.

  • The showIdeaHubNotice function should do the following:

    • Check if the current post has idea hub metadata via the getEditedPostAttribute selector of core/editor data store. As per the IB, should be used. For e.g:
      const postMeta = 'core/editor' ).getEditedPostAttribute( 'meta' );
    • The following meta keys should be present and not empty to identify an idea hub post:
      • googlesitekitpersistent_idea_name
      • googlesitekitpersistent_idea_text
      • googlesitekitpersistent_idea_topics
    • Import the setItem and getItem from assets/js/googlesitekit/api/cache.js.
    • Use the getItem function to check if there is an item in local storage with the key modules::idea-hub::dismissed-editor-notice-<post_ID> where <post_ID> is the ID of the currently edited post. To get the current post ID, query the core/editor data store via the getCurrentPostId selector.
    • If cacheHit is false from the result of getItem, then the user has not dismissed the notice. The Gutenberg notice API will be used to display the notice but the onDismiss callback did not work until recently. To circumvent that, we can create listen to data store changes checking whether the notice is still present on the page or has been dismissed.
    • To display the notice:
      • Use the Gutenberg notice API to create an info dismissable notice as per the designs in Figma by using the createInfoNotice action of the core/notices data store. For e.g: 'core/notices' ).createInfoNotice( 'My custom notice', options ); // options is an object
      • The text for the notice should be as per the second bullet point from the AC where {idea} is the value from the post meta with the googlesitekitpersistent_idea_text key.
      • The id of the notice should be googlesitekit-idea-hub-notice.
      • Since we want to know when the user dismisses the notice and the onDismiss property does not work, listen to the data store to see if the notice is still present.
        • Define a function, hasNotice which returns true if the notice id defined in the previous bullet point is in the list of notices. To get the list of notices, use the getNotices selector of the core/notice data store.
        • Define another function, handleDataChange change, which checks whether hasNotice returns true. If this is the case, then the notice is currently being displayed on the page. If hasNotice returns false, this means that the user has dismissed the notice. In that case, do the following:
          • Use the setItem to set the key modules::idea-hub::dismissed-editor-notice-<post_ID> to have true as value.
          • We can only pass the key and value parameters to the setItem function since the default parameters set the expiry for the item in local storage to 1 hour.
        • Listen to the changes to the data store using the subscribe function of, passing handleDataChange as parameter. The subscribe function returns a unsubscribe function used to stop the subscription. This should occur in the handleDataChange function when hasNotice returns false.
    • If cacheHit is true from the result of getItem, do not do anything. It means that the user has seen the notice and dismissed it in the past hour.
  • POC for listening to data changes: Show Idea Hub context for post based on Idea Hub idea in WordPress block editor / Gutenberg #3272 (comment)

Test Coverage

  • No new tests to be added.

Visual Regression Changes

  • N/A

QA Brief

To the engineer writing the QA Brief: Similar to #3271, this issue should be testable by our QA team and not require QA: Eng. Include a sample datastore call to do in the browser console (e.g. 'modules/idea-hub' ).createIdeaDraftPost( ... )) so that a draft post is created that can then be checked.

Changelog entry

  • Add the Idea Hub notification to the WordPress block editor
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