Original issue created by SeanPFloyd on 2011-03-21 at 11:17 AM
Given the Equivalence interface, which has these methods:
boolean equivalent(@Nullable T a, @Nullable T b);
int hash(@Nullable T t);
I am surprised that there aren't any Sets / Maps based on Equivalences.
It should be pretty simple to implement an Equivalence-based HashMap / LinkedHashMap / HashSet / LinkedHashSet, just replace all calls to
a) a.hashCode() with equivalence.hash(a)
b) a.equals(b) with equivalence.equivalent(a, b)
And I'd expect to see factory methods like this:
- Map<A,B> Maps.newEquivalenceHashMap(Equivalence<? super A>)
- Map<A,B> Maps.newEquivalenceLinkedHashMap(Equivalence<? super A>)
- Set<A> Sets.newEquivalenceHashSet(Equivalence<? super A>)
- Set<A> Sets.newEquivalenceLinkedHashSet(Equivalence<? super A>)
Or perhaps:
- Map<A,B> Equivalences.newHashMap(Equivalence<? super A>)
- Map<A,B> Equivalences.newLinkedHashMap(Equivalence<? super A>)
- Set<A> Equivalences.newHashSet(Equivalence<? super A>)
- Set<A> Equivalences.newLinkedHashSet(Equivalence<? super A>)
Obviously, the performance of these Classes would depend on the quality of the Equivalence implementation (Hash distribution etc), but without these Classes / Methods I don't really see the point in the Equivalence interface.