Looking at high memory usage in one of our components, we noticed that for every MultiMap created by a MultimapBuilder, we have a Supplier too (in our case it is a HashSetSupplier, but it applies to other Suppliers too)
the reason for that is that we do:
public static final MultimapBuilder.SetMultimapBuilder<Object, Object> RELATIONS_MAP_BUILDER = MultimapBuilder
which in turn calls this Guava code
public SetMultimapBuilder<K0, Object> hashSetValues(final int expectedValuesPerKey) {
checkNonnegative(expectedValuesPerKey, "expectedValuesPerKey");
return new SetMultimapBuilder<K0, Object>() {
public <K extends K0, V> SetMultimap<K, V> build() {
return Multimaps.newSetMultimap(
MultimapBuilderWithKeys.this.<K, V>createMap(),
new HashSetSupplier<V>(expectedValuesPerKey));
This creates a new hashSetSupplier
every time build is invoked.
This looks incorrect to me, and the suppliers should be properties of the newly returned builder, shouldn't they?