[REQUIRED] Issue description
Exoplayer Demo application says clearkey is an unsupported DRM scheme on release-v2 branch (2.11.7). This only happens on actual devices, not on emulated devices.
I did not figure out exactly when it stopped working, I only know that it did work in 2.10.0 and it no longer works in 2.11.7
[REQUIRED] Reproduction steps
Simply try to play the test content below in the demo application on release-v2. The same content plays fine on 2.10.0
IMPORTANT - You must use a real device to see the issue. When using an emulated device content plays fine with 2.11.7
[REQUIRED] Link to test content
"name": "ClearKey sample that worked on 2.10.0",
"uri": "",
"drm_scheme": "clearkey",
"drm_license_url": "",
"drm_multi_session": true
[REQUIRED] A full bug report captured from the device
Sent to as "Issue #7735"
[REQUIRED] Version of ExoPlayer being used
[REQUIRED] Device(s) and version(s) of Android being used
Android 7.0 Samsung Galaxy S8
Android Fire TV Stick
Those are the only 2 devices I have tested, but I suspect this issue is not really sensitive to devices or android versions.