Searched documentation and issues
I've been looking at the issues in this repository regarding Icy metadata and Shoutcast streams, especially:
- Support non-UTF-8 ICY metadata #6753
- Fetching ICY metadata fails on some streams #5876
- Support ICY metadata #3735
I want to add metadata events to the just_audio Flutter plugin, which uses ExoPlayer in the Android version.
I'm trying to read the IcyInfo and IcyHeaders of a Shoutcast stream. Reading the aforementioned resources, plus this Medium article, I was under the impression that I could retrieve them by adding a MetadataOutput to the current player, like this:
MetadataOutput metadataOutput = new MetadataOutput() {
public void onMetadata(Metadata metadata) {
Log.d("just_audio", "New metadata. Length: " + metadata.length());
for (int i = 0; i < metadata.length(); i++) {
final Metadata.Entry entry = metadata.get(i);
if (entry instanceof IcyHeaders) {
Log.d("just_audio", "Headers");
} else if (entry instanceof IcyInfo) {
icyTitle = ((IcyInfo) entry).title;
icyUrl = ((IcyInfo) entry).url;
Log.d("just_audio", "Info");
player = new SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(context).build();
DataSource.Factory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultDataSourceFactory(context, Util.getUserAgent(context, "just_audio"));
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
mediaSource = new ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory).createMediaSource(uri);
However, I'm receiving events that contain only IcyInfo metadata entries, and I can't figure out why. I've had the same result with several different streams. Am I doing something wrong during initialization?
I'm using ExoPlayer 2.11.4.
Link to test content
I've had the same result with all the Shoutcast streams I've tried. Some examples are:
- (mentioned in Fetching ICY metadata fails on some streams #5876)
- (mentioned in Support non-UTF-8 ICY metadata #6753)
The full code I'm using for the Flutter plugin is here:
I'm currently developing a Flutter app on top of it: