Our Earth needs yet another Weather App. Demo: https://weather-sucks.web.app/
Proof of Concept app, to showcase:
- no transpilers needed to write modern javascript
- Making use of script type
- Use TypeScript compiler to type check
via JSDoc - I don't recommend such approach for production. Please directly use TypeScript (If you need type safety). Even in such a small app, maintaining types in JSDoc is cumbersome.
City and Unit param in URL,
- https://weather-sucks.web.app/?city=london
- https://weather-sucks.web.app/?city=vancouver,CA
- https://weather-sucks.web.app/?city=vancouver,US
- https://weather-sucks.web.app/?city=london&unit=F
- https://weather-sucks.web.app/?city=london&unit=C
App inspiration:
- http://ootsi.de/
- Google weather app
Related links: