What version of Go are you using (go version
$ gotip version go version devel go1.20-b1678e508b Wed Nov 16 04:04:52 2022 +0000 linux/amd64
Does this issue reproduce with the latest release?
What did you do?
package p
const N = 1 << 22
type T struct{ a, b int32 }
func arrayclear1(p *[N]T) { *p = [N]T{} }
func arrayclear2(p *[N]T) {
for i := range p {
p[i] = T{}
func arrayclear3(p *[N]T) {
for i := range p[:] {
p[i] = T{}
What did you expect to see?
Same code generated for all three.
What did you see instead?
arrayclear1 becomes REP STOSQ on amd64, REP STOSL on 386, a loop doing STP from ZR on arm64 and a simple loop on arm.
arrayclear2 becomes a call to runtime.memclrNoHeapPointers.
arrayclear3, which represents a library function that I found to be a hot spot, becomes a loop that sets one element at a time. On 386 and arm, that loop even includes a bounds check.
I suspected this might have to do with conversion to slice, but slice clearing is similarly inconsistent, producing different code depending on whether [:] (or [:n]) is present or not.