Proposal: Major Module Version Alerts
This is a unification of two separate proposals (#38762 and #38502) that seek to alert users to the fact that a set of new major module versions may be available for inclusion in their project.
Semantic Import Versioning introduced the concept of a version suffix, which needs to be explicitly specified on your module path for major versions greater than 1. It is easy for users to consume a v0/v1 version of a module by default, even if they would be better served by selecting the most recent major version.
Discoverability is a key issue. The mechanisms for module authors to advertise recent major versions are inconsistent, and can be low-visibility (documentation? or highly disruptive (printing deprecation warnings in init, broken builds to force an investigation).
We propose a mechanism that notifies users of the latest major version of a module dependency when (a) that dependency is first added to the project; (b) they update to a newer minor or patch version; or (c) they list out dependencies that can be upgraded.
The proposed notification is informational; the user will have to decide the best course of action (stay with the v0/v1 version they fetched, or update their code to use a later version). We understand that automatic upgrades are not generally possible, as new major semantic versions are necessarily incompatible with previous ones.
We propose notifying users of new major versions when:
- They first add a requirement for an old major version of a module
- They update a requirement for an old major version of a module
- They list dependencies that can be updated
There are a few ways users add requirements to their modules:
- By running go get
- By adding a require line to their go.mod file manually
- By adding an import line to a Go source file, and having goimports or gopls editor integration add the import line on save
For the latter two, the module isn't fetched until the go command is invoked within the module.
There are a few ways users update requirements:
- By running go get [-u]
- By running go get -u ./... from the module root
And there is one way users find out about available updates:
- By running go list -m -u all
We propose to, in these cases, have the go tool print a note when a more recent major version of the module is available.
Consider a user fetching with go get. We propose adding a notification to the output, alerting the user to a new major version:
$ go get
go: finding v1.6.0
go: finding v2.2.4
go: finding v1.1.1
go: downloading v1.7.0
go: extracting v1.7.0
go: note: a more recent major version is available: [v3.1.0] 👈
Consider a user listing all of the most recent versions of their dependencies. We propose printing the same note to standard error after any new minor or patch versions:
$ go list -m -u all v0.3.1 v1.0.0 v1.6.0 [v1.7.0]
go: note: a more recent major version is available: [v3.1.0] 👈
If the requirement is added to the go.mod file manually, the go tool would print the notification when it first fetches the new module, as part of a go build, go test, etc. run.
The Go package discovery website at shows modules and their versions. However, it obscures successive major versions when they exist, apparently treating major module versions as completely distinct. For example, the landing page for peterbourgon/ff shows v1.7.0 with a "Latest" bubble beside it. The versions tab does list other major versions, but under the heading "Other modules containing this package", which is confusing.
Instead, could feature a prominent indicator on the landing page for a v0/v1 module that there are two successive major versions (v2 and v3), to funnel the user toward the latter.
Editor integration (gopls, goimports)
Go text editor integrations typically include a feature that automatically adds import statements to source files based on the mentioned identifiers. Because of Semantic Import Versioning, this also gives those tools the responsibility of choosing the major version of the imported module. In the case where there is no suitable existing requirement in the project’s go.mod file, these editor integrations could alert the user to the availability of newer major module versions. How this works is outside the scope of this proposal.
Proposal Co-authors