Automatic parameter escaping in syscall.StarProcess on windows is too restrictive #1849
Windows parameters are transmitted as a single string and it is the responsibility of each program to do it's own parameter parsing. Microsoft's C startup code ( defines a standard way for C programs to split the command line into separate arguments and go's syscall.StartProcess does the correct escaping for those cases. However, some programs - and most notably the cmd.exe shell - do their own command line parameter parsing. As an example, if passed the following arguments : cmd /s /c "cd "C:\Program Files" && dir" then cmd.exe will parse its arguments as follows : /s /c cd "C:\Program Files" && dir See (see section on /C or /K flags which describes the logic used to process quote (") characters). The bug is that there is currently no way to prevent escaping of command line parameters and therefore no way to execute the previous command from syscall.StartProcess because the double quotes in the last argument are automatically escaped...