We'll pretend the following:
- You have a Jenkins install at http://jenkins.mycompany.com
- You have a GitHub organization called MyCompany
- You have a GitHub account called MyCompany-bot
- You have a repo you'd like pull requests on called FooBar
git clone git@github.com:cramerdev/jenkins-comments.git
cd jenkins-comments
First we'll need a Heroku app running their Cedar stack, and a Redis server. We'll also set the url of our Jenkins server. Chose a name (we'll use "mycompany-jenkins-comments" for the example), and create it:
heroku create mycompany-jenkins-comments --stack cedar
git push heroku master
heroku addons:add redistogo:nano
heroku config:add JENKINS_URL=http://jenkins.mycompany.com
heroku config:add RACK_ENV=production
heroku ps:dynos 1
Create a new Authorization using the GitHub Authorizations API:
curl -u "MyCompany-bot:password" https://api.github.com/authorizations \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"scopes":["repo"],"note": "mycompany-jenkins-comments.herokuapp.com"}'
"scopes": [
"updated_at": "2012-05-21T16:33:05Z",
"note_url": null,
"app": {
"url": "http://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/#oauth-authorizations-api",
"name": "mycompany-jenkins-comments.herokuapp.com (API)"
"url": "https://api.github.com/authorizations/369874",
"token": "a55199221f3f66a7d238be5fa32e2cd84735ffc1",
"note": "mycompany-jenkins-comments.herokuapp.com",
"created_at": "2012-05-21T16:33:05Z",
"id": 369874
In the reponse is the token the app will use to comment on pull requests. Add that token to Heroku:
heroku config:add GITHUB_USER_TOKEN=a55199221f3f66a7d238be5fa32e2cd84735ffc1
Under Build > Inject environemnt variables > Properties Content, set BUILD_STATUS
success. This will only be set if the build succeeds:
In Post-build Actions > Post build task > script, we'll add a curl
statement to post the job status to mycompany-jenkins-comments.herokuapp.com
curl "http://mycompany-jenkins-comments.herokuapp.com/jenkins/post_build\
We'll use the GitHub PubSubHubBub API to subscribe to pull requests events:
curl -u "MyCompany-bot:password" https://api.github.com/hub \
-Fhub.mode=subscribe \
-Fhub.topic=https://github.com/MyCompany/FooBar/events/pull_request \