Tested versions
Godot 4.4.dev4.mono
System information
Ubuntu 24.04
Issue description
I'm exporting a project using Docker, which invokes Godot through the terminal with the following command:
godot.4.4.dev4.mono "path-to-my-project.godot" --export-release "Headless" --headless --quit
However, when I run the app, it doesn't behave as expected
Steps to reproduce
Reproduce via UI:
- Open the MRP project and create the export folder.
- Export the project with the "Export All" -> "Release" option.
- Alternatively, click "Export Project..." and uncheck the "Export with Debug" option.
Reproduce via command line:
Run the following command:
./Godot_v4.4-dev_mono_linux.x86_64 "/home/ubuntu/GodotProjects/azheir/azheir/project.godot" --headless --export-release Headless --quit
Minimal reproduction project (MRP)
To verify if the project export was successful, simply run the executable. It should print Hello world on startup.