Tested versions
- Reproducible in Godot Engine v4.2.stable.official [46dc277], v4.2.1.stable.official, v4.2.2.rc2.
- Does not seem to happen in v4.1.3.stable.official [f06b6836a].
System information
Windows 11 Home
Issue description
Interacting with an OptionButton produces an error message:
ERROR: Attempt to disconnect a nonexistent connection from 'root:<Windows#24779948753>'. Signal: 'focus_entered', callable:...
at: (core/object/object.cpp:1420)
ERROR: Attempt to disconnect a nonexistent connection from 'root:<Windows#24779948753>'. Signal: 'tree_exited', callable:...
at: (core/object/object.cpp:1420)
Only when the project is exported to executable, both release and debug, but does not produce an error when run in the editor.
Steps to reproduce
Starting from an empty project with the root node being a control node, add a child OptionButton and add 2 items to it, labeled Option 1 and Option 2. Then, export the project with the console to an executable. The console executable will display an error when an option is selected in the OptionButton.