Godot version
v4.2.dev6.official [57a6813]
System information
Windows 10 - 64 bit - Forward+
Issue description
If you have two AutoLoad scripts (A and B), and B references A, then B must appear after A in the "Autoloads" list. When this is not the case, the editor will give the following cryptic "Error", in the "Debugger" panel:
Native class "" not found
I think it would be better to say something like:
"Class B references class A, but B appears before A in the Autoloads list"
Note that this is some kind of parsing error that occurs at runtime --even though the error appears, it is still possible for B to use A while the game is running. (Or maybe putting B before A is not actually even an error, and I've been doing too much C++ programming?) Regardless, the error message is very misleading.
Steps to reproduce
- Open the sample project
- Run "Main.tscn"; close it once the window opens
- Look in "Debugger -> Errors" on the lower panel. You will see: "Native class "" not found"
- Press "Clear" to clear all errors.
- Now, go to "Project -> Project Settings", and in "Autoload", drag "GameData" so that it is after "MasterNode".
- Re-run "Main.tscn"; close it once the window opens.
- Look in "Debugger -> Errors" on the lower panel. You will see no errors.
Note that "GameData" references "MasterNode", so it should appear after that in the Autoload list.