[Bullet] Running project gives recover from penetration error. #50628
Godot version
3.3.2 (stable official)
System information
Kubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute) GLES 3 renderer.
Issue description
After compiling a project without issues and compiling without error, after 2 minutes on average I get this error:
E 0:00:05.563 recover_from_penetration: Condition "shape_idx < 0 || shape_idx >= cs->getNumChildShapes()" is true. Returned: false
<Fuente C++> modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp:1294 @ recover_from_penetration()
WALK.gd:41 @ Physics()
FSM.gd:29 @ _physics_process()
The WALK.gd:41 line is:
FSM.Root.move_and_collide(Vector3(dir.x, 0, dir.y), false)
Not sure what causes it, but the project runs without error around 1-2 minutes just fine and then spit that error.
Steps to reproduce
It happens after 1-2 minutes of playing the game.