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[TRACKER] Unit tests to add or improve #43440




Our unit test coverage is currently fairly low. We'd like to increase our unit test coverage; any help is welcome.

Interested in writing new unit tests? See the unit tests documentation and compiling instructions.
If you have further questions, join the Godot Contributors Chat.

When opening a pull request, please link back to this issue (#43440) in the PR description so that we can keep track of it more easily.

If you have the appropriate permissions, feel free to edit this issue to add new items or check items for which a PR has been opened.

Classes to test

These classes are currently lacking in test coverage, and are therefore highest-priority for receiving unit tests. Deprecated classes are not listed.


When a class is listed with "and" along a given list item, it should be submitted in the same pull request whenever possible. Tests for these classes can be in the same file or a different file depending on the size and complexity of the test suite. If in doubt, follow the file organization used in the original class implementation.

Completed classes

These classes currently have good test coverage. Further improvements may be possible by testing methods that were added after the tests were merged.

Non-testable classes

These classes can't be unit-tested for technical reasons. Unit tests always run in headless mode, so they can't do things such as rendering scenes and checking the visual result.

  • CubeMap: Not testable without RenderingServer access.
  • Shader: Not testable without RenderingServer access.




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