Tested versions
Reproducible in Godot 4.3.stable.official, 77dcf97
System information
Godot v4.3.stable - Windows 10.0.22631 - Vulkan (Forward+) - dedicated Quadro T2000 - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz (12 Threads)
Issue description
This simple scene demonstrates using a RayCast3D on a "turret" to test for obstructions/line-of-sight to players (entire script and scene pictured below + attached) . Ray casting fails after the player's position has been modified, despite the player position and raycast target_position matching. If this is expected behavior, it will at least be nice to document and explain why this is happening, so that others can learn from it (possible related issue here)...
Steps to reproduce
Run the scene, look at the console output and confirm collision detection failures in part (B).
Minimal reproduction project (MRP)
Project attached (simple 1-script demo scene started from a blank project).