Describe the project you are working on
First person shooter indoor levels.
Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project
Reducing processing for objects that are outside the current play area.
Describe the feature / enhancement and how it helps to overcome the problem or limitation
Although #2172 deals with occlusion culling and greatly increases performance, rendering is not the only potential bottleneck in large levels. AI and physics and general processing of objects that are not relevant to the current gameplay area can be huge performance hogs in some types of games.
Describe how your proposal will work, with code, pseudo-code, mock-ups, and/or diagrams
Given that we now already have a rooms and portals structure built for rendering (as part of #2172), an often used extension to this system is utilizing the potentially visible set (PVS) / secondary PVS.
This diagram illustrates the concept. Using the rooms and portals, you can automatically construct a potentially visible set of rooms that a viewer could potentially see from a 'source room'. This algorithm is based on Seth Teller's thesis that was used for Quake and derivate games.
See also here for an explanation (although I made a slight correction in the comments):
The PVS is typically used for rendering - you take everything in the PVS, and frustum cull it, voila, super cheap occlusion culling. It works very well, especially for high densities of rooms (which may also be called cells, because they may refer to convex areas within what we might normally consider a room). However they have some disadvantages over portals which tend to give more accurate occlusion culling in lower density rooms (at the cost of slight runtime calcs).
However in real games, the PVS structure is useful not just in terms of deciding what is rendered. It can also be used to reduce processing on objects that are not in the gameplay area. This can be used to turn off physics, AI, sound, particle systems, and even network messages for objects that are outside the gameplay area.
Although the PVS can be used, in practice it often makes sense to also calculate what I call the secondary PVS. This is a superset of the PVS - it comprises the PVS, plus the immediate neighbouring rooms of this PVS. This is trivial to calculate and offers a slightly wider gameplay area so that e.g. AI opponents just outside of the visible area will still do their thing and chase the player, instead of 'disappearing from existence' the moment they go through a door.
How would this work
I have already written the code to generate the primary and secondary PVS from the room / portal system. I'm still not absolutely sure the best way of making this information available to users in Godot, so any feedback here would be useful.
One problem is that the room / portal system is held in the visual server, and the data flow relationship from the client (scene tree) to the visual server is mostly one way. See:
The problem is, we either need to store the relevant data (PVS and room lookup) client side (potentially duplicating it) or we need a way of accessing or getting callbacks from the visual server. Storing the PVS client side is not a problem (as it is calculated as a one off step during conversion), however the room lookup is required in both the visual server and the client.
Some ideas:
- We could simply bypass the one way relationship for room lookup, and use it in the same way as the current
functions. The data is read only and could be made thread safe by making re-entrant, and taking care around the conversion and clear calls for the room system. - We could alternatively have a callback mechanism via NOTIFICATIONS. The scene tree object could register (with it's Godot instance ID?) and receive notifications for e.g. entering and exiting the primary / secondary PVS. One possible gotcha would be to watch for race conditions whereby the notification was sent during the period that the object was being deleted. But perhaps the notification system deals with this itself.
Either way we could end up with a situation where objects (players, boxes etc) get a callback / notification in e.g. gdscript, and they can do what they want with this information to scale their behaviour. And / or offer some defaults, like turning off _process / _physics_process etc for objects that move outside the gameplay area (this technique is widely used in multiplayer shooters to manage network bandwidth).
If this enhancement will not be used often, can it be worked around with a few lines of script?
It cannot be worked around with script.
Note that this is a useful small extension to rooms / portals, it is not necessary for rooms / portals to work. This kind of technique is commonly used for managing performance in AAA type games. It does not imply that we have to have it in Godot, I'm just bringing up the option.
Is there a reason why this should be core and not an add-on in the asset library?
Needs access to rooms / portals system internal data, can't be done via add-on.