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Merge pull request #1041 from FelixKrayer/tmpSpecial
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Analysis tracking equality between calls to math library functions to improve invariant
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michael-schwarz authored Aug 4, 2023
2 parents babc881 + 933b4e3 commit 5614dd3
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Showing 9 changed files with 557 additions and 39 deletions.
55 changes: 53 additions & 2 deletions src/analyses/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -545,6 +545,11 @@ struct
let eval e st = eval_rv a gs st e in
let eval_bool e st = match eval e st with Int i -> ID.to_bool i | _ -> None in
let unroll_fk_of_exp e =
match unrollType (Cilfacade.typeOf e) with
| TFloat (fk, _) -> fk
| _ -> failwith "value which was expected to be a float is of different type?!"
let rec inv_exp c_typed exp (st:D.t): D.t =
(* trying to improve variables in an expression so it is bottom means dead code *)
if VD.is_bot_value c_typed then contra st
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -681,6 +686,7 @@ struct
| Lval x, (Int _ | Float _ | Address _) -> (* meet x with c *)
let update_lval c x c' pretty = refine_lv ctx a gs st c x c' pretty exp in
let t = Cil.unrollType (Cilfacade.typeOfLval x) in (* unroll type to deal with TNamed *)
if M.tracing then M.trace "invSpecial" "invariant with Lval %a, c_typed %a, type %a\n" d_lval x VD.pretty c_typed d_type t;
begin match c_typed with
| Int c ->
let c' = match t with
Expand All @@ -690,7 +696,32 @@ struct
| TFloat (fk, _) -> Float (FD.of_int fk c)
| _ -> Int c
update_lval c x c' ID.pretty
(* handle special calls *)
begin match t with
| TInt (ik, _) ->
begin match x with
| ((Var v), offs) ->
if M.tracing then M.trace "invSpecial" "qry Result: %a\n" Queries.ML.pretty (ctx.ask (Queries.TmpSpecial (v, Offset.Exp.of_cil offs)));
let tv_opt = ID.to_bool c in
begin match tv_opt with
| Some tv ->
begin match ctx.ask (Queries.TmpSpecial (v, Offset.Exp.of_cil offs)) with
| `Lifted (Isfinite xFloat) when tv -> inv_exp (Float (FD.finite (unroll_fk_of_exp xFloat))) xFloat st
| `Lifted (Isnan xFloat) when tv -> inv_exp (Float (FD.nan_of (unroll_fk_of_exp xFloat))) xFloat st
(* should be correct according to C99 standard*)
| `Lifted (Isgreater (xFloat, yFloat)) -> inv_exp (Int (ID.of_bool ik tv)) (BinOp (Gt, xFloat, yFloat, (typeOf xFloat))) st
| `Lifted (Isgreaterequal (xFloat, yFloat)) -> inv_exp (Int (ID.of_bool ik tv)) (BinOp (Ge, xFloat, yFloat, (typeOf xFloat))) st
| `Lifted (Isless (xFloat, yFloat)) -> inv_exp (Int (ID.of_bool ik tv)) (BinOp (Lt, xFloat, yFloat, (typeOf xFloat))) st
| `Lifted (Islessequal (xFloat, yFloat)) -> inv_exp (Int (ID.of_bool ik tv)) (BinOp (Le, xFloat, yFloat, (typeOf xFloat))) st
| `Lifted (Islessgreater (xFloat, yFloat)) -> inv_exp (Int (ID.of_bool ik tv)) (BinOp (LOr, (BinOp (Lt, xFloat, yFloat, (typeOf xFloat))), (BinOp (Gt, xFloat, yFloat, (typeOf xFloat))), (TInt (IBool, [])))) st
| _ -> update_lval c x c' ID.pretty
| None -> update_lval c x c' ID.pretty
| _ -> update_lval c x c' ID.pretty
| _ -> update_lval c x c' ID.pretty
| Float c ->
let c' = match t with
(* | TPtr _ -> ..., pointer conversion from/to float is not supported *)
Expand All @@ -700,7 +731,27 @@ struct
| TFloat (fk, _) -> Float (FD.cast_to fk c)
| _ -> Float c
update_lval c x c' FD.pretty
(* handle special calls *)
begin match t with
| TFloat (fk, _) ->
begin match x with
| ((Var v), offs) ->
if M.tracing then M.trace "invSpecial" "qry Result: %a\n" Queries.ML.pretty (ctx.ask (Queries.TmpSpecial (v, Offset.Exp.of_cil offs)));
begin match ctx.ask (Queries.TmpSpecial (v, Offset.Exp.of_cil offs)) with
| `Lifted (Ceil (ret_fk, xFloat)) -> inv_exp (Float (FD.inv_ceil (FD.cast_to ret_fk c))) xFloat st
| `Lifted (Floor (ret_fk, xFloat)) -> inv_exp (Float (FD.inv_floor (FD.cast_to ret_fk c))) xFloat st
| `Lifted (Fabs (ret_fk, xFloat)) ->
let inv = FD.inv_fabs (FD.cast_to ret_fk c) in
if FD.is_bot inv then
raise Analyses.Deadcode
inv_exp (Float inv) xFloat st
| _ -> update_lval c x c' FD.pretty
| _ -> update_lval c x c' FD.pretty
| _ -> update_lval c x c' FD.pretty
| Address c ->
let c' = c_typed in (* TODO: need any of the type-matching nonsense? *)
update_lval c x c' AD.pretty
Expand Down
98 changes: 72 additions & 26 deletions src/analyses/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(** Library function descriptor (specification). *)

module Cil = GoblintCil

open Cil
(** Pointer argument access specification. *)
module Access =
Expand All @@ -14,31 +14,31 @@ struct

type math =
| Nan of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp)
| Inf of Cil.fkind
| Isfinite of Cil.exp
| Isinf of Cil.exp
| Isnan of Cil.exp
| Isnormal of Cil.exp
| Signbit of Cil.exp
| Isgreater of (Cil.exp * Cil.exp)
| Isgreaterequal of (Cil.exp * Cil.exp)
| Isless of (Cil.exp * Cil.exp)
| Islessequal of (Cil.exp * Cil.exp)
| Islessgreater of (Cil.exp * Cil.exp)
| Isunordered of (Cil.exp * Cil.exp)
| Ceil of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp)
| Floor of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp)
| Fabs of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp)
| Fmax of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp * Cil.exp)
| Fmin of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp * Cil.exp)
| Acos of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp)
| Asin of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp)
| Atan of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp)
| Atan2 of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp * Cil.exp)
| Cos of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp)
| Sin of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp)
| Tan of (Cil.fkind * Cil.exp)
| Nan of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Inf of CilType.Fkind.t
| Isfinite of Basetype.CilExp.t
| Isinf of Basetype.CilExp.t
| Isnan of Basetype.CilExp.t
| Isnormal of Basetype.CilExp.t
| Signbit of Basetype.CilExp.t
| Isgreater of (Basetype.CilExp.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Isgreaterequal of (Basetype.CilExp.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Isless of (Basetype.CilExp.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Islessequal of (Basetype.CilExp.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Islessgreater of (Basetype.CilExp.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Isunordered of (Basetype.CilExp.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Ceil of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Floor of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Fabs of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Fmax of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Fmin of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Acos of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Asin of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Atan of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Atan2 of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Cos of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Sin of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t)
| Tan of (CilType.Fkind.t * Basetype.CilExp.t) [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]

(** Type of special function, or {!Unknown}. *)
(* Use inline record if not single {!Cil.exp} argument. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,3 +152,49 @@ let of_old ?(attrs: attr list=[]) (old_accesses: Accesses.old) (classify_name):
accs = Accesses.of_old old_accesses;
special = special_of_old classify_name;

module MathPrintable = struct
include Printable.StdLeaf
type t = math [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]

let name () = "MathPrintable"

let pretty () = function
| Nan (fk, exp) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )nan(%a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp
| Inf fk -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )inf()" d_fkind fk
| Isfinite exp -> Pretty.dprintf "isFinite(%a)" d_exp exp
| Isinf exp -> Pretty.dprintf "isInf(%a)" d_exp exp
| Isnan exp -> Pretty.dprintf "isNan(%a)" d_exp exp
| Isnormal exp -> Pretty.dprintf "isNormal(%a)" d_exp exp
| Signbit exp -> Pretty.dprintf "signbit(%a)" d_exp exp
| Isgreater (exp1, exp2) -> Pretty.dprintf "isGreater(%a, %a)" d_exp exp1 d_exp exp2
| Isgreaterequal (exp1, exp2) -> Pretty.dprintf "isGreaterEqual(%a, %a)" d_exp exp1 d_exp exp2
| Isless (exp1, exp2) -> Pretty.dprintf "isLess(%a, %a)" d_exp exp1 d_exp exp2
| Islessequal (exp1, exp2) -> Pretty.dprintf "isLessEqual(%a, %a)" d_exp exp1 d_exp exp2
| Islessgreater (exp1, exp2) -> Pretty.dprintf "isLessGreater(%a, %a)" d_exp exp1 d_exp exp2
| Isunordered (exp1, exp2) -> Pretty.dprintf "isUnordered(%a, %a)" d_exp exp1 d_exp exp2
| Ceil (fk, exp) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )ceil(%a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp
| Floor (fk, exp) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )floor(%a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp
| Fabs (fk, exp) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )fabs(%a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp
| Fmax (fk, exp1, exp2) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )fmax(%a, %a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp1 d_exp exp2
| Fmin (fk, exp1, exp2) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )fmin(%a, %a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp1 d_exp exp2
| Acos (fk, exp) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )acos(%a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp
| Asin (fk, exp) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )asin(%a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp
| Atan (fk, exp) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )atan(%a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp
| Atan2 (fk, exp1, exp2) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )atan2(%a, %a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp1 d_exp exp2
| Cos (fk, exp) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )cos(%a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp
| Sin (fk, exp) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )sin(%a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp
| Tan (fk, exp) -> Pretty.dprintf "(%a )tan(%a)" d_fkind fk d_exp exp

include Printable.SimplePretty (
type nonrec t = t
let pretty = pretty

module MathLifted = Lattice.Flat (MathPrintable) (struct
let top_name = "Unknown or no math desc"
let bot_name = "Nonexistent math desc"
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions src/analyses/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
(* Analysis that tracks which variables hold the results of calls to math library functions.
For each equivalence a set of expressions is tracked, that contains the arguments of the corresponding call as well as the Lval it is assigned to, so an equivalence can be removed if one of these expressions may be changed.*)

module VarEq = VarEq.Spec

open GoblintCil
open Analyses

module Spec =
include Analyses.IdentitySpec

let name () = "tmpSpecial"
module ML = LibraryDesc.MathLifted
module Deps = SetDomain.Reverse (SetDomain.ToppedSet (CilType.Exp) (struct let topname = "All" end))
module MLDeps = Lattice.Prod (ML) (Deps)
module D = MapDomain.MapBot (Mval.Exp) (MLDeps)
module C = Lattice.Unit

let invalidate ask exp_w st =
D.filter (fun _ (ml, deps) -> (Deps.for_all (fun arg -> not (VarEq.may_change ask exp_w arg)) deps)) st

let context _ _ = ()

(* transfer functions *)
let assign ctx (lval:lval) (rval:exp) : D.t =
if M.tracing then M.tracel "tmpSpecial" "assignment of %a\n" d_lval lval;
(* Invalidate all entrys from the map that are possibly written by the assignment *)
invalidate (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) (mkAddrOf lval) ctx.local

let enter ctx (lval: lval option) (f:fundec) (args:exp list) : (D.t * D.t) list =
(* For now we only track relationships intraprocedurally. *)
[ctx.local, ()]

let combine ctx (lval:lval option) fexp (f:fundec) (args:exp list) fc (au:D.t) f_ask : D.t =
(* For now we only track relationships intraprocedurally. *) ()

let special ctx (lval: lval option) (f:varinfo) (arglist:exp list) : D.t =
let d = ctx.local in
let ask = Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx in

(* Just dbg prints *)
(if M.tracing then
match lval with
| Some lv -> if M.tracing then M.tracel "tmpSpecial" "Special: %s with lval %a\n" f.vname d_lval lv
| _ -> if M.tracing then M.tracel "tmpSpecial" "Special: %s\n" f.vname);

let desc = LibraryFunctions.find f in

(* remove entrys, dependent on lvals that were possibly written by the special function *)
let write_args = LibraryDesc.Accesses.find_kind desc.accs Write arglist in
(* TODO similar to symbLocks->Spec->special: why doesn't invalidate involve any reachable for deep write? *)
let d = List.fold_left (fun d e -> invalidate ask e d) d write_args in

(* same for lval assignment of the call*)
let d =
match lval with
| Some lv -> invalidate ask (mkAddrOf lv) ctx.local
| None -> d

(* add new math fun desc*)
let d =
match lval, desc.special arglist with
| Some ((Var v, offs) as lv), (Math { fun_args; }) ->
(* only add descriptor, if none of the args is written by the assignment, invalidating the equivalence *)
(* actually it would be necessary to check here, if one of the arguments is written by the call. However this is not the case for any of the math functions and no other functions are covered so far *)
if List.exists (fun arg -> VarEq.may_change ask (mkAddrOf lv) arg) arglist then
D.add (v, Offset.Exp.of_cil offs) ((ML.lift fun_args, Deps.of_list ((Lval lv)::arglist))) d
| _ -> d


if M.tracing then M.tracel "tmpSpecial" "Result: %a\n\n" D.pretty d;

let query ctx (type a) (q: a Queries.t) : a Queries.result =
match q with
| TmpSpecial lv -> let ml = fst (D.find lv ctx.local) in
if ML.is_bot ml then q
else ml
| _ -> q

let startstate v = ()
let threadenter ctx lval f args = [ ()]
let threadspawn ctx lval f args fctx = ctx.local
let exitstate v = ()

let _ =
MCP.register_analysis (module Spec : MCPSpec)

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