Describe your question/
I'm testing authentik with traefik middleware. It works fine, thanks a lot BeryJu!
However, there is an important question about configuring the logout. In the standard configuration when executing there is no logout from authentik. It looks predictable when explicit authorization flow. For implicit it makes misleading:
To Reproduce
0. Login proxy app
- Go to proxy app /
- NOT Click on 'log out of authentik'
- Go to another proxy app page
As a result, we are automatically logged in again (of cause, we refresh traefik middleware and we see it when explicit).
My task requires that to happen proxy logout then automatically authentik logout. There is a solution with redirection to /flows/-/default/invalidation/ in web page... However, I would like best practice solution. Perhaps is there a hook or some modifying the flow?
Version and Deployment (please complete the following information):
Settings is standard configs. Domain-level proxy is configured. Authentik version 2022.7.3, traefik 2.6, docker-compose latest official repo.
Additional context
Similar case maybe #2023 and in my case I would like to automate the process discussed there #1113#issuecomment-874715284