This project aims to generate virtual traffic flow data of a 3*3 road net to visualize one day's traffic flow distribution of the intersections.
This file illustrates the process:
STEP 1: modify the value of 'Factor' of "od.mat.xml", which is a global scaling factor for the number of vehicles for each cell;
STEP 2: generate 'od.trips.xml' by the use of 'od.mat.xml' and '', and then get the e1Detectors' result 'od.out.xml' and trip information 'tripinfo.out.xml' by 'SUMO od.sumocfg'. Just call the function 'generate_xml()'.
STEP 3: get each edge's total flow of all time periods(set by 'det.add.xml', here is 5 min) by reading the 'od.out.xml'.
flow_dict, time_line = get_flow_from_xml(file_path)
STEP 4: plot the flow distribution curve of each intersection. The figures will be saved to directory 'curves1/' or 'curves2/'
plot_flow_all_edges(flow_dict, time_line, save_dir, interval)
Something need to be noticed:
- The function 'generate_timeline()' is served to generate the vehicles' generating weights of different hours in one day, which has 24 points corresponding to the 24 hours.
- The 'tripinfo.out.xml' is not utilized here.
- 'net1' and 'net2' correspond to different Traffic light timing scheme, which can be seen in 'tls.xml' of each directory for details. So do 'curves1' and 'curves2'.