This is a simple CLEO script for GTA Vice City that will show a speedometer and a damage meter every time you get in a vehicle, using for this the genuine style of the game status messages.
Speed will be displayed in Km/h and damage message will be in Spanish. Keep reading if you want to modify them to another message or to another language.
Just copy the CLEO folder into to the current game directory.
When you get in a vehicle, the information will be displayed on the right side of the screen. Once you get out, it will disappear.
- Name: GMM96
- Github:
- Telegram: @supremoh
CLEO Library for GTA Vice City should be installed in the current game directory.
If you want to change the messages that will be displayed with the values, just open the file VCCarInfo_by_GMM96.fxt located on the directory CLEO\CLEO_TEXT and modify the words on the right column. After that, continue with the installation.