Utility that provides additional functionality for keyboards without multimedia keys.
Note: FN by default is the Right Windows key.
Hotkey | Action |
FN + F5 | Launch Spotify (if possible) |
FN + F6 | Previous Track |
FN + F7 | Play/Pause |
FN + F8 | Next Track |
FN + F9 | Mute/Unmute |
FN + F10 | Volume Down |
FN + F11 | Volume Up |
FN + F12 | Launch Calculator |
Download the latest executable from Github Releases page.
Install packages required for building:
pip install pyinstaller pyinstaller-versionfile pynput pystray
Optional: Update version in file metadata/version.txt
Optional: Generate version metadata file:
create-version-file metadata/metadata.yml --outfile metadata/version_metadata.txt
Build the executable:
pyinstaller source/main.py --onefile --windowed --hidden-import pystray._win32 --hidden-import pynput.keyboard._win32 --hidden-import pynput.mouse._win32 --add-data 'resources;resources'--icon 'resources/icon.ico' --name HotkeyManager --version-file metadata/version_metadata.txt
If you have any requests or fixes, feel free to change the source code.