.NET wrapper for Google's City Hash family of hash functions (http://code.google.com/p/cityhash/).
This library exposes the City Hash functions as string extension methods. Add the CityHash.dll as a reference to your .NET project, and place the CityHash.Win32.dll in a directory that your application can find.
using CityHash;
string someString = "some string";
// Generating a 32-bit hash
someString.GetCityHash32(); //returns 805573804
// Generating a 64-bit hash
someString.GetCityHash64(); //returns 9651795998918897910
// Generating a 64-bit hash with a seed
someString.GetCityHash64(1234); //returns 2539580409082155169
// Generating a 64-bit hash with two seeds
someString.GetCityHash64(1234, 5678); //returns 5233622152544161018
The solution currently consists of the following projects:
CityHash.Win32 - Port of the original CityHash source code to Win32
CityHash - Wrapper library that P/Invokes CityHash.Win32.dll for use in .NET
CityHash.Tests - Unit tests
- Implement Hash128 and Hash128WithSeed
- Eliminate CityHash.Win32.dll dependancy
- Create NuGet package
Contributions and feedback are more than welcome. Just fork, push, and send a pull request.