This is comprehensive toolkit for controlling the sound synthesis process using the dynamic stochastic technique devised by Iannis Xenakis. The aims of the toolkit are:
- To provide a native implementation of the synthesizer in Pure Data that can be easily modified or extended,
- To demostrate how to control synthesis parameters,
- To implement and demonstrate an innovative approach to controlling synthesis parameters using an input audio signal and its relevant features,
- To implement and demonstrate a polyphonic MIDI synthesizer based on this non-standard synthesis technique.
Conceptual and technical details can be found in this publication:
- Gordan Kreković, Davor Petrinović, "A Versatile Toolkit for Controlling Dynamic Stochastic Synthesis", Sound and Music Computing Conference, 2013. ([download] (
The package contains the following abstractions:
- gendyn~ - a straightforward implementation of the synthesizer,
- audio2gendyn~ - an algorithm for controlling the synthesizer using an input audio signal,
- midi2gendyn~ - a polyphonic MIDI synthesizer based on DSS.
Additionally, there are several examples that represent typical use cases:
- gendyn_gui - direct parameter control using sliders,
- gendyn_automation - parameter automation using tables,
- gendyn_midi_control - MIDI-cotrolled polyphonic synthesizer with a reverb,
- gendyn_audio_control_adc - implicit parameter controll from input audio,
- gendyn_audio_control_adc - implicit parameter controll from input audio
- Pd extended
- [timbre ID] ( library developed by Wiliam Brent (only for patches containing the objects for audio extraction)
Demonstration of the toolkit and highlights from the experiments mentioned in the paper are shown in the following [video] (