this repo generate an AWS Lambda function that remove all the AWS IAM users access and secret keys
- You want force your AWS IAM users to regenerate their access and secret keys
- This can be the first step for a key rotation POLICY
- You know or suspect that one of your key is compromised and you don't know which one.
- It creates a Lambda role and associate it with the function
- It creates 2 policies for the role, one to store the logs in Cloudwatch and the other one to delete the IAM users keys
- It associate the default IAM policy to have IAM read only access.
- A Lambda function that perform the deletion
- Terraform is already installed and configured in your laptop or the environment where you run the code
- Git is installed so you can get the repo from github
- Choose a region , I use the Virginia region us-east-1
- You know where is your amazon credentials files mine is in this path /Users/giuseppe/.aws/credentials (if you are using a role in an EC2 machine comment the variable in the file)
- Choose a prefix that will be applied to the whole resources
- You know which is your AWS IAM User so you can exclude from the list, mine is giuseppeborgese (don't worry you can easily change later)
It is enough these list of instruction
git clone
cd Remove-AWS-users-access-secret-key
terraform init
terraform apply --var region=us-east-1 --var cred-file=/Users/giuseppe/.aws/credentials --var prefix=peppeTest --var myexclusionlist=giuseppeborgese
If you are happy of your test and you want clean it , it is enough
cd Remove-AWS-users-access-secret-key
terraform destroy --force