AI-Tutorials Public
This repository is a collection of my personal learnings in the fields of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and related projects using Python. As I continue to learn, I update the repository with ne…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 3, 2025 -
Brain Tumor Segmentation with U-Net (ML Model) - CNN
Flutter GetX restful API make up e-commerce, rest api, makeup api, ecommerce
Flutter Weather Condition Demo with BLoC & (Cubit) : API > Free Weather API Ninja
ACS Smart Card Reader (Pinpad) TC Identity Card Pin Verification (ACS Smart Card Pinpad Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kimlik Kartı Pin Doğrulama)
time_scheduler_table Public
A time scheduler package where you can create events by clicking on cells, edit (update) and delete the events you have created. You can assign colors to events.
e_commerce_two_page_ui Public
Flutter E-Commerce UI with Rive Animation & Custom Painter
Flutter Integration Test for a Simple E-commerce Demo
See how Kotlin codes works in Flutter, doing tasks and showing results on the Flutter side.
Flutter - Detect(Extract) text from Turkish Republic Identity Card photo with Google ML Kit ||| Flutter - TC Kimlik Kartı fotoğrafından Google ML Kit ile bilgileri okuma/algılama
PAdES LTV PDF signer with Timestamp & SHA-256, C# Console App
Flutter randomuser list and details app, randomuser.me restful Api with GetX State Management & MVC, Dio, auto_route, search bar, rest api