A sample project to work with RESTful APIs in Apex.
This is used to search the OpenStreetMap dataset using Nominatim API.
- This class provides method to search the OpenStreetMap dataset using various query parameters.
- The returned value can be obtained either as Map<String, Object> to be used in Apex class or
- As JSON string to be used in Lightning component JavaSctipt methods.
Sample Code Snippet
- To get the response as Map
Map<String, Object> response = OpenStreetMapAPI.search(new Map<String, String> {
'city' => 'Kolkata',
'country' => 'India'
- To retrieve the values from Map
response?.get('lat'); // => '22.5726723'
response?.get('lon'); // => '88.3638815'
- To get the response as JSON String
String response = OpenStreetMapAPI.search(new Map<String, String> {
'city' => 'Kolkata',
'country' => 'India'
- To retrieve the values from JSON in Lightning component
let responseJson = JSON.parse(response);
responseJson["lat"]; // => "22.5726723"
responseJson["lon"]; // => "88.3638815"
Available query parameters
- street
- city
- county
- state
- country
- postalcode
Complete Sample response JSON body
"icon": "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/ui/mapicons//poi_boundary_administrative.p.20.png",
"importance": 0.8340385346278307,
"type": "administrative",
"category": "boundary",
"place_rank": 10,
"display_name": "Kolkata, West Bengal, India",
"lon": "88.3638815",
"lat": "22.5726723",
"boundingbox": [
"osm_id": 9381363,
"osm_type": "relation",
"licence": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright",
"place_id": 283499194