Genetic algorithm proven to be very effective on optimization problems with many local optima. Supports binary and floating point representations. Mimicks natural selection to find global optimum.
[+] Comes with 5 prepared test problems (check pdf for functions, text is in Croatian though).
[+] Shows boxplots of the population which is useful for testing various configurations.
$ python3 python3 <population_size> <binary/float> <mutation_prob> <crossover_prob> <max_iter> <task_number>
Finding minimum of Schaffer function and slightly modified Schaffer function (see pdf) in 3 and 6 dimensions.
$ python3 50 binary 0.05 0.3 1000 3
Generation 1 : best chromosome: -26.333986355959915 8.53224010926077 150
Function value: 7.775098620854167e-06
Number of function evaluations: 84
Generation 26 : best chromosome: -16.82989631563775 -21.938541737529626 150
Function value: 6.700945454162722e-08
Number of function evaluations: 812
Generation 51 : best chromosome: -16.82989631563775 -21.938541737529626 149.99921254245552
Function value: 7.391996745966489e-09
Number of function evaluations: 1475
Generation 52 : best chromosome: -16.82989631563775 -21.93493307238452 150.0
Function value: 7.702251733671443e-10
Number of function evaluations: 1503
Generation 58 : best chromosome: -16.82989631563775 -21.938541737529626 149.99937610688391
Function value: 2.0591014569824416e-10
Number of function evaluations: 1670
Generation 62 : best chromosome: -16.82989631563775 -21.93493307238452 149.99993715585933
Function value: 5.347461307748055e-14
Number of function evaluations: 1774
Generation 100 : best chromosome: -16.82989631563775 -21.934945107685653 149.99993470764582
Function value: 4.113431766063901e-15
Number of function evaluations: 2667
Generation 102 : best chromosome: -16.82989631563775 -21.935423525001877 149.99986484940956
Function value: 0.0