Spark Library to ingest and process geodata timeseries
- ARLAS-proc
Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
ARLAS-proc is a toolbox to transform raw geodata timeseries into enriched movement fragments and trajectories. It is packaged as a scala library for Apache Spark developers.
- Apache Spark 3.1.2 (for Hadoop 2.7 with OpenJDK 8)
- Elasticsearch 7.x
docker run --rm \
-w /opt/work \
-v $PWD:/opt/work \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 \
-v $HOME/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2 \
gisaia/sbt:1.5.5_jdk8 \
sbt clean publishLocal
Now, you can add it as a local dependency in your own project
libraryDependencies += "io.arlas" % "arlas-proc" % "X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT"
If you have sufficient permissions to our Cloudsmith repository, you can publish a SNAPSHOT build jar to Cloudsmith.
You need to set up the following environment variables first:
(see [])
export CLOUDSMITH_USER="your-user"
export CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY="your-api-key"
docker run --rm \
-w /opt/work \
-v $PWD:/opt/work \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 \
-v $HOME/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2 \
gisaia/sbt:1.5.5_jdk8 \
sbt clean publish
Now, you can add it as a remote dependency in your own project
resolvers += "gisaia-public" at ""
libraryDependencies += "io.arlas" % "arlas-proc" % "X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT"
If you have sufficient permissions on Github repository, simply type:
docker run -ti \
-w /opt/work \
-v $PWD:/opt/work \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 \
-v $HOME/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2 \
gisaia/sbt:1.5.5_jdk8 \
sbt clean release
You will be asked for the versions to use for release & next version.
A jar artifact tagged in the released version will be automatically published to Cloudsmith.
To enable the retrieval of ARLAS-proc via sbt, add our Cloudsmith repository in your build.sbt file.
resolvers += "gisaia-public" at ""
Specify ARLAS-proc dependency in the dependencies section of your build.sbt file by adding the following line.
libraryDependencies += "io.arlas" % "arlas-proc" % "X.Y.Z"
- Build fat jar of ARLAS-PROC project and publish it in local .ivy2
docker run --rm \
-w /opt/work \
-v ${PWD}:/opt/work \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 \
-v $HOME/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2 \
gisaia/sbt:1.5.5_jdk8 \
/bin/bash -c 'sbt clean assembly; sbt clean publishLocal; cp -r /root/.ivy2/local/io.arlas/arlas-proc_2.12/. /root/.ivy2/local/io.arlas/arlas-proc/'
- Launch jupyter tutorial notebook
docker run -it --rm \
-v ${PWD}/data/ais:/home/jovyan/work/ \
-v $HOME/.m2:/home/jovyan/.m2 \
-v $HOME/.ivy2:/home/jovyan/.ivy2 \
-p "8888:8888" \
Open the link proposed in terminal to open Jupyter Notebook in a browser:
Open demo_notebook.ipynb
to run the tutorial notebook.
Start an interactive spark-shell session. For example :
- Build fat jar of ARLAS-PROC project
docker run --rm \
-w /opt/work \
-v ${PWD}:/opt/work \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 \
-v $HOME/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2 \
gisaia/sbt:1.5.5_jdk8 \
/bin/bash -c 'sbt clean assembly; cp target/scala-2.12/arlas-proc-assembly*.jar target/scala-2.12/arlas-proc-assembly.jar'
- Launch spark-shell with ARLAS-PROC dependency
docker run -ti \
-w /opt/work \
-v ${PWD}/data/ais:/opt/ais \
-v ${PWD}:/opt/proc \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 \
-v $HOME/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2 \
-p "4040:4040" \
gisaia/spark:3.1.2 \
spark-shell \
--packages org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-spark-30_2.12:7.13.4,org.geotools:gt-referencing:20.1,org.geotools:gt-geometry:20.1,org.geotools:gt-epsg-hsql:20.1 \
--exclude-packages \
--repositories,, \
--jars /opt/proc/target/scala-2.12/arlas-proc-assembly.jar
This tutorial applies a processing pipeline to vessel location records to extract the real boats trajectories.
We use a sample of AIS (Automatic Identification System) data provided by the Danish Maritime Authority, in accordance with the conditions for the use of Danish public data.
We process the records emitted by two vessels on the 20th of November 2019.
Paste (using :paste
) the following code snippets in the spark-shell
- Import ARLAS-PROC library modules
- Set the object identifier, latitude, longitude and date column to handle moving object data properly
val dataModel = DataModel(
idColumn = "MMSI",
latColumn = "Latitude",
lonColumn = "Longitude",
timestampColumn = "# Timestamp",
timeFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
- Extract raw data from csv
val raw_data = readFromCsv(spark, delimiter=",", sources="/opt/ais/data/extract_2_ids.csv")
.select("# Timestamp", "MMSI", "Latitude", "Longitude", "SOG", "COG", "Heading", "IMO", "Callsign", "Name",
"Ship type", "Cargo type", "Width", "Length")
- Format data by setting numeric variable types and processing unix timestamp
val formatted_data = raw_data.asArlasFormattedData(dataModel, doubleColumns = Vector("SOG", "COG", "Heading"))
formatted_data.sort("MMSI", "arlas_timestamp").show()
We can see two new columns: arlas_timestamp which is the unix timestamp corresponding to '# Timestamp' and arlas_partition, corresponding to the day
- Fill the missing vessel properties
// Fill the missing vessel properties when they are available in at least one observation for a given vessel identified with its MMSI
val static_filled_data = formatted_data.process(
new StaticColumnsStandardizer(
"IMO" -> ("Unknown", "Undefined"),
"Callsign" -> ("Undefined", "Undefined"),
"Name" -> ("Undefined", "Undefined"),
"Ship type" -> ("Undefined", "Undefined"),
"Cargo type" -> (null, "Undefined"),
"Width" -> (null, "Undefined"),
"Length" -> (null, "Undefined")
static_filled_data.sort("MMSI", "arlas_timestamp").show()
- Create basic fragments and compute associated fields:
- arlas_track_id: Unique fragment identifier
- arlas_track_nb_geopoints: Number of ais messages (geopoints) summarized in the fragment (2 at this step)
- arlas_track_trail: Geometry of vessel travel over the fragment (a simple line at this step)
- arlas_track_duration_s: Duration of the fragment (s)
- arlas_track_timestamp_start: Timestamp of the first observation of the fragment
- arlas_track_timestamp_end: Timestamp of the last observation of the fragment
- arlas_track_timestamp_center: Middle timestamp of the fragment
- arlas_track_end_location_lat: Latitude of the last observation of the fragment
- arlas_track_end_location_lon: Longitude of the last observation of the fragment
- arlas_track_location_lat: Latitude of the centroid of the fragment
- arlas_track_location_lon: Longitude of the centroid of the fragment
- arlas_track_distance_gps_travelled_m: Distance (m) travelled by the vessel over the fragment
- arlas_track_distance_gps_straight_line_m: Direct distance (m) between first and last observation of the fragment
- arlas_track_distance_gps_straightness: Ratio between direct distance and travelled distance over the fragment (1 at this step)
- arlas_track_dynamics_gps_speed: Computed gps speed over the fragment
- arlas_track_dynamics_gps_bearing: Computed gps bearing over the fragment
It also transforms numeric column by taking the average of the fragment observations (ex: "SOG" -> "arlas_track_sog")
val fragment_data = static_filled_data.process(
new FlowFragmentMapper(dataModel,
aggregationColumnName = dataModel.idColumn,
averageNumericColumns = List("SOG", "COG", "Heading"))
fragment_data.sort("MMSI", "arlas_timestamp").show()
- Add the motion visibility for each fragment
val visibility_data = fragment_data.process(
// Identify fragment as invisible when duration since previous observation is higher than 30min
new WithVisibilityProportion(durationThreshold = 1800),
// Detect visibility change ("appear": invisible->visible, "disappear": visible->invisible)
new WithVisibilityChange(dataModel = dataModel)
.select("MMSI", "arlas_timestamp", "arlas_track_duration_s", "arlas_track_visibility_proportion", "arlas_track_visibility_change")
.sort("MMSI", "arlas_timestamp")
- Identify the moving state of the vessel for each fragment
val moving_data = visibility_data.process(
// Detect if the boat is still or moving with an hmm model based on speed
new WithMovingState(spark,
idColumn = "MMSI",
speedColumn = "arlas_track_SOG",
targetMovingState = "arlas_moving_state",
stillMoveModelPath = "/opt/ais/model/hmm_still_move.json"),
// Create a common identifier for consecutive fragment sharing the same moving state
new WithStateIdOnStateChangeOrUnique(idColumn = "MMSI",
stateColumn = "arlas_moving_state",
orderColumn = "arlas_track_timestamp_start",
targetIdColumn = "arlas_motion_id"),
// Update the motion identifier as MMSI#timestampStart_timestampEnd
new IdUpdater(idColumn = "arlas_motion_id", dataModel = dataModel),
// Compute the duration of each motion
new WithDurationFromId(idColumn = "arlas_motion_id", targetDurationColumn = "arlas_motion_duration")
.select("MMSI", "arlas_timestamp", "arlas_track_SOG", "arlas_moving_state", "arlas_motion_id", "arlas_motion_duration")
.sort("MMSI", "arlas_timestamp")
- Build course information from moving state
val course_data = moving_data.process(
// Identify fragment as a STOP if the vessel is still for more than 10 minutes, as COURSE else
// The result is stored in a column "arlas_course_or_stop"
new WithCourseOrStop(courseTimeoutS = 600),
// Identify fragments as PAUSE when the vessel is still for less than 10 minutes, and MOTION when vessel is moving
// The result is stored in a column "arlas_course_state"
new WithCourseState(),
// Create the course identifier (stored in "arlas_course_id")
new WithStateIdOnStateChangeOrUnique(idColumn = "MMSI",
stateColumn = "arlas_course_or_stop",
orderColumn = "arlas_track_timestamp_start",
targetIdColumn = "arlas_course_id"),
// Update the course identifier as MMSI#timestampStart_timestampEnd
new IdUpdater(dataModel = dataModel, idColumn = "arlas_course_id"),
// Compute the course duration (stored in "arlas_course_duration")
new WithDurationFromId(idColumn = "arlas_course_id", targetDurationColumn = "arlas_course_duration")
"MMSI", "arlas_timestamp", "arlas_moving_state", "arlas_motion_id", "arlas_motion_duration",
"arlas_course_or_stop", "arlas_course_state", "arlas_course_id", "arlas_course_duration"
.sort("MMSI", "arlas_timestamp")
- Concatenate the Pauses and Stops into single fragments
val zipped_stop = course_data.process(
new StopPauseSummaryTransformer(
weightAveragedColumns = Some(
propagatedColumns = Some(Seq("IMO", "Callsign", "Name", "Ship type", "Cargo type", "Width", "Length"))
)"MMSI", "arlas_timestamp", "arlas_track_duration_s", "arlas_moving_state", "arlas_motion_id",
"arlas_motion_duration", "arlas_course_or_stop", "arlas_course_state", "arlas_course_id",
"arlas_course_duration", "arlas_track_trail")
.sort("MMSI", "arlas_timestamp")
- Concatenate all fragments associated to a course into a single course fragment
val course_extracted = zipped_stop.process(
new CourseExtractorTransformer(
weightAveragedColumns = Some(
propagatedColumns = Some(Seq("IMO", "Callsign", "Name", "Ship type", "Cargo type", "Width", "Length"))
"MMSI", "arlas_timestamp", "arlas_track_duration_s", "arlas_track_nb_geopoints", "arlas_departure_stop_before_duration_s",
"arlas_arrival_stop_after_duration_s", "arlas_moving_state", "arlas_course_or_stop", "arlas_course_state",
"arlas_course_id", "arlas_course_duration", "arlas_track_trail"
.sort("MMSI", "arlas_timestamp")
- Write course result in a csv file
docker run -ti \
-w /opt/work \
-v $PWD :/opt/work \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 \
-v $HOME/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2 \
gisaia/sbt:1.5.5_jdk8 \
sbt clean test
External APIs are mocked using Wiremock. Wiremock has 2 benefits:
- using a JAR, we can capture every call to an API and save the results for further use
- then from scala tests, we can start a wiremock server and get these results.
Download the standalone JAR from
and save it into the src/test/resources/wiremock
Launch the JAR by replacing
with your own API:
java -jar wiremock-standalone-2.25.1.jar --verbose --proxy-all="" --record-mappings
Then in order to save the API results, change the API url to http://localhost:8080
within the requests.
For example, to save nominatim results, you can do:
java -jar wiremock-standalone-2.25.1.jar --verbose --proxy-all="" --record-mappings
curl "http://localhost:8080/reverse.php?format=json&lat=41.270568&lon=6.6701225&zoom=10"
The results will be saved into the resources folder, which is used by scala tests.
A test class can extend the trait ArlasMockServer
, which automatically starts and stops the mock server.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting us pull requests.
- Gisaïa - Initial work - Gisaïa
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE.txt for details.
This project has been initiated and is maintained by Gisaïa