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I do things, I see people, I write.
I do things, I see people, I write.



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Chris Coetzee chriscz
Full stack Ruby on Rails. Interested in all aspects of product development.


Bruce Bentley brucebentley
👦🏼 Proud Father • Full Stack Engineer 👨‍💻

Round Hill, VA

Mehran98 mehran98h
junior web developer

Creatror Dev Iran

Raymel Francisco raymelon
building ai agents @tokwalabs, indie maker // past: full stack dev @OrangefixDev, cs @ Polytechnic University of the Philippines



@ausecitnetworks Ausec IT Services Perth

Wu Tingfeng elliotwutingfeng
🐼 I love tinkering with web technologies


Md Jamal Uddin Jamal161
software engineering

Dhaka, Bangladesh

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Muhammad Ahmad Khan ahmadkhancodes
Founder @buffersol | Masters in Entrepreneurship - NUST | Masters in Computer Science - FAST | Bachelors in Computer Science - COMSATS | Tech Evangelist

BufferSol Technologies Islamabad, Pakistan

Lorenzo Paderi mijorus

Interlogica SB Rome

Pietro Ciuffreda PietroCiuffreda
Elettronic engineering student && GNU/Linux inside.


Marco Borchi Trafitto
Intrepido nullafacente. Affascinato dalla parola ‘procrastinare’ e dalle sue applicazioni nella vita.

Instal Florence

Software Engineer - مهندس برمجيات SWxEng

Virtual World العالم الافتراضى Cyber Space الفضاء السيبراني

Serena Piccioni xlthlx

London, United Kingdom

Mendelsphotography mendelsphotography
Student photographer and programmer. Busy Shooting Images Why? Because it's fun. HTML, CSS a bit of JS and 2 Years + In WordPress. Some C#, PHP, Python, Bash,UI

mendelsphotography NY

Ali Ait Malek aliaitmalek
Yo 🙋‍♂️

Marrakech, Morocco

Nicolò Torromacco nicolotor
Happy Web Developer


Vitaliy Suhoplechev vitasha10
TS, TypeScript, Next.js, React, Fullstack, Node, MERN, HTML, CSS (Counter Strike: Source), SASS, PHP, Python, C++, Linux, Dockers, Kubernetis. Ci/CD, DevOps

@Speak-UP-Space @raznochtenia10-ru @epos-next @school146

Sirio Negri ziriuz84

S.S.D. s.r.l. La Spezia, Italy

Francesco Fedele kal1gh0st
it's your life that matters ... never forget it !!! ❤️😪🌹🍷

OnesecICT Denver, Colorado

Alex Negulescu alecs

SysOPS.RO Romania

Ellis Breen griels
Software Developer and Aspiring Entrepreneur

CapDeColla Manchester, UK

Oscar Francia Piega

Fraos and Babudoiu dev Ravenna, Italy