This is the moodle module. It provides the functionality to install Moodle in a single host or multiple host (MySQL DB could be on a second host).
The approach is to let each module to manage it's own stuff so it depends on some puppetlabs modules.
The usage is:
class { 'mysql':
class { 'mysql::server':
config_hash => {
'root_password' => 'password'
require => Class['mysql']
Mysql::Db <<| tag == 'moodle_db' |>>
class { 'apache':
require => Class['mysql']
class { 'apache::mod::php':
package { [php-mysql, php-gd, php-intl, php-mbstring, php-soap, php-xml, php-xmlrpc, sudo]:
ensure => present,
require => Class['apache::mod::php'],
notify => Service['httpd'],
package { zip:
ensure => present;
class { 'moodle':
tarball_url => '',
The code is still under development, and in a pre-alfa stage, but should manage to install a working moodle installation.
- Overall check
- using also package and not only the tgz