Will you consider making CC2674/CC2674P/CC2674R and/or CC1354/CC1354P Zigbee adapters for developers and early adopters?
Check out this developer discussion in Koenkk's Z-Stack firmware repository -> Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware#476
There is no community firmware from Koenkk yet but that is probably partially because no one made a CC2674 or CC1354 adapter yet.
Chicken or the egg, what comes first, early prototype adapters that Koenkk can test or firmware built in the blind?
FYI, E72-2G4M20S1C (CC2674P10) radio module from Ebyte/Cdebyte is already available for prototyping and first-to-market devices:
According to LSagiroglu this new CC2674P10 based module is is pin to pin compatible with their CC2652P based module:
PS: No news so far from RFstar if they are working on CC2674P or CC1354P radio modules yet.