konfi lets you create config templates similar to dataclasses. These templates are then used to load the config from different sources. konfi guarantees that the loaded config corresponds to the template even going as far as making sure items of a list are of the right type.
This means you no longer have to worry about the validity of the config, if the config is correct it will load and if it isn't it will raise an error telling you why not.
You can install konfi from PyPI:
pip install konfi
from typing import Optional
import konfi
class UserInfo:
name: str
country: Optional[str]
class AppConfig:
name: str = "konfi"
user: UserInfo
konfi.YAML("config.yml", ignore_not_found=True),
config = konfi.load(AppConfig)
greeting = f"Hello {config.user.name}"
if config.user.country:
greeting += f" from {config.user.country}"
print(f"Welcome to {config.name}!")
For more examples see the examples/ directory.
If you're ready to jump in, you can find the documentation on Read the Docs.