#ExcelRefresh.exe (XLRefresh in C#) Command line utility to refresh Excel documents and their external connections, query tables and pivot tables.
Example usage. Use Window's Task Scheduler to run a .bat which updates Excel files and then copies them to a public location.
As of Excel 2013, the query table method seems to have been replaced with an external connection method. Leaving the query table just in case.
-f, --file Required. Input file to be processed.
-m, --Macros The worksheet macros to run. Example: -m sheet1.someMacro (sheet2.otherMacro)
-d, --verbose (Default: False) Prints all messages to standard output.
-v, --visible (Default: False) Shows Excel while update is running.
-p, --pivot-tables (Default: False) Refresh Pivot-tables.
-q, --query-tables (Default: False) Refresh query-tables. (Pre Excel 2013)
-c, --connections (Default: False) Refresh External connections. (Excel 2013)
#TODO/Notes# ##DONE##
- The "DO you want to Save keeps popping up intermittently". (DONE)
- Caused if an EXCEL.exe process is already running. Need to manually check in task manager and kill prior to running.
- er...also added a Excel.Close(true).
- Add run --macros option (DONE)
- ilmerge working (instead of distributing command.dll with .exe) (DONE)
- from Debug dir
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\ILMerge\ilmerge.exe" XLRefreshC.exe /out:ExcelRefresh.exe /target:exe CommandLine.dll /targetplatform:"v4,C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.0
- make a makefile
- upload to github.com
- Add do -a/--all option.
##Contribution Based on Perl program/library originally written by CTBROWN