Interesting problem I have seen for a while with using psutil. I'm by no means an expert with this but it is strange that when I approach 4 billion bytes it seems to rollover... I thought Python accounted for 32-bit integers and whatnot. Can someone explain if this can be accounted for?
What I'm using:
Python 2.7.11 (tried both 32 and 64 bit)
Windows 10 64 bit
psutil 4.1.0
Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 20:40:30) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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>>> import psutil
>>> psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)
>>> {'Ethernet 4': snetio(bytes_sent=378813079, bytes_recv=838898995, packets_sent=4236049, packets_recv=20927779, errin=0, errout=0, dropin=212, dropout=0)}
Is this a product of Windows? Are the counters only a certain size? Because in my windows ethernet status screen under 'Activity' it shows:
Bytes sent: 337,887,481
Byes recieved: 30,797,026,512
While the bytes_sent is off it doesn't surprise me that there may be small differences but the bytes_recv about a hour ago showed a value of around 3,400,000,000 bytes and now it is only showing in the 800 millions.