is a companion to the R
package BCEA, which can be used to post-process the output of cost-effectiveness model. BCEAweb
launches a Shiny
webapp, in which the user can upload their own inputs (e.g. simulations from the distribution of the population average benefits and cost) and then analyse and visualise the output, to produce cost-effectiveness planes, acceptability curves as well as more advanced analysis such as the Expected Value of Partial Information.
can be installed from this GitHub repository using the package remotes
Alternatively, it is possible to install BCEAweb
from source with the following command.
repos = c('https://giabaio.r-universe.dev', 'https://cloud.r-project.org')
(NB: You can replace the CRAN mirror to any other, e.g. https://www.stats.bris.ac.uk/R/
--- see here).
Once BCEAweb
is available, then you can use it to post-process your BCEA model, by launching it using the command
# Launch the webapp