An adapter for Apollo GraphQL client which adds support for kotlin coroutines. Apollo types such as ApolloCall, ApolloPrefetch & ApolloWatcher can be converted to their corresponding suspending functions and channels by using extension functions provided in CoroutineApollo file respectively.
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.ghostbuster91:apollo-coroutines-adapter:master-SNAPSHOT'
Converting ApolloCall to a suspending function:
//Create a query object
EpisodeHeroName query = EpisodeHeroName.builder().episode(Episode.EMPIRE).build();
//Create an ApolloCall object
ApolloCall<EpisodeHeroName.Data> apolloCall = apolloClient.query(query);
//Convert to suspending function
val result = apolloCall.await();
Converting ApolloPrefetch to a suspending function:
//Create a query object
EpisodeHeroName query = EpisodeHeroName.builder().episode(Episode.EMPIRE).build();
//Create an ApolloPrefetch object
ApolloPrefetch<EpisodeHeroName.Data> apolloPrefetch = apolloClient.prefetch(query);
//Convert to suspending function
Converting ApolloWatcher to a Channel:
//Create a query object
EpisodeHeroName query = EpisodeHeroName.builder().episode(Episode.EMPIRE).build();
//Create an ApolloWatcher object
ApolloWatcher<EpisodeHeroName.Data> apolloWatcher = apolloClient.query(query).watcher();
//Convert to channel
for(heroName : apolloWatcher.await()) {
// here goes your sequential processing
Remember to cancel all your jobs which operate on UI not later then in onDestroy:
job = launch(UI) {
val result = apolloCall().await()