Use “Dataset1.mat” which is a 2D and 2-class dataset to do this part and Train the SVM using two different values of the penalty parameter, i.e., C=1 and C=100.
In general, SVM is a linear classifier. When data are not linearly separable, Kernel SVM can be used. Here, we utilize SVM with RBF kernel for non-linear classification. Perform this part on “Dataset2.mat” and “Health.dat” datasets, so we train SVM with the penalty parameter C and the standard deviation for RBF kernel. Note: For selecting the best model is better to test the values in multiplicative steps such as 0.01, 0.04,0.1, 0.4, 1, 4, 10 and 40. Therefore, 64 different models should be evaluated to select the best model.
SVM can be extended for multi-class classification. For this, two approaches are possible: one-against-one and one-against-all(one-against-rest). we apply one-against-all approach for “Vehicle.dat”